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Kirozey's World of Wonder

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I did it. I had to. It bullied me too much to play it and I don't have the internet or data to update the game to even play it on "playable" download status. I haven't played it for 2 or 3 years. Even then it was horrible to try and play with more than just me using the internet. I do hope I saved all the files I should have. I already moved all the screenshots I could find to my G.Drive. Is it bad that I'm sad it didn't even say "goodbye" or anything after it was done? Just- poof- done. Like a ghost just left the room. It took me more time debating on uninstalling than it took to uninstall, LOL. "Then Blizzard emails me asking why I uninstalled the game instead playing the new expansion they keep telling me about that I can't play because they point and laugh at me for being too poor to upgrade my pc or get a subscription....yes." Oh well. Maybe some day when things aren't so horrible I can get back into it. I don't have high hopes but, who knows. Only problem now is that this now gives Windows full range of being able to sneak update even though I tell it not to over and over again, no manner what I disable. (For the love of Arceus, do not kill my pc with the updates. This is all I have.) I was going to post something else. I might do it later if I'm still up, if not, tomorrow for sure.
I need to fix this...help.

Retired Hobby Artist

[Moonflora created by me 2016-2023]
Digital DA > < Pixel DA

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You ever just have a weird dream about someone then you feel awkward about them or if they get mentioned?

Kinda cringe

Well, I did and it was weird. Changed my feelings how I feel about him too for awhile until I stopped thinking about it. At least I didn't have another dream about it or to continue it. So the dream was about Dream, which is weird to start with, I was making fun of him about how people responded to the whole face reveal thing. He got sad about it. Started talking about real life problems, which I don't even know him so how would I know, then I felt bad about making fun of him. We started talking about things we like. We had some things in common. Had some laughs. Caught myself catching feelings for him then woke up confused and weirded out. So now when Dream is mentioned I get flash backs to that dream like "ohno, not again. I can't", LOL. I don't even know what created that dream. Not like I watch his stuff or anything about him other than meme stuff. Which is bad enough but, you know. You just roll your eyes or shake your head while debating skipping through the video or not.
I know I said I would post art but, oppsies. I'm still working on stuff. Just have too many balls in the air right now. I might have more stuff to show than before if I'm lucky. I have to stop trying to make myself new art projects is all. 💀
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Requested by: Me










Comment: Early Bird Natu was suppose to be next...along with ones before it but, oops. Also oops now this lure isn't necessary: [5/330] Not bred by me but, she's one of the natures I had the pair everstoned. Adamant/Sassy pair. (1st melan obtained during rus, that's all that manners~) Quick made this one. From memory if you will. Yeah. We don't talk about this one. (Yet I haven't deleted it) First official 2023 lure set, stolen from EB Natu, whee
KirØzey's Avatarhypermode-12.pngKirØzey
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When your friend who you've been friends with over 10 years randomly calls you "babe" :
(It was probably part of the joke but I like to over think about every word that seems like flirting) I told him "finish your homework so you can come over, I'm making chicken and dumplings for the first time" and he said "sure babe, be right over". I should have told him happy valentines and happy anniversary yesterday
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Requested by: Myself








Animated Lure


Comment: Decided to hunt Spinda myself a couple of weeks ago, I think. Realized that the original one isn't like how I do them now. I liked the pose so I didn't change that. Changed the pattern a little so it's "Cherry" plus "Heart" pattern. - Skipped doing the old melan colors like before, old one can have that purpose. Long story short: "Resized and polished" (I gotta say, very much improvement- and that's rare for me to say about my art)
KirØzey's Avatarhypermode-12.pngKirØzey
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Long Rant/Drama/Bad Feels

You know what. When and if and I ever get hired for one of the jobs I applied for and there's drama with the co-workers, I bet you I can handle it pretty well because the crap that these people I'm forced to live with have put me through for 3+ years. I'm ready for it. I can say "Eh, I've been through worse. You have no idea. :')" If this is a life lesson, I don't like it. I want to cancel this class. Lesson is over and is not worth whatever my reward is. I just wanna art and pokefarm in peace with some nice cat and garden time on the side. I don't want every day to be a challenge. The cats already do that for me. I don't need anymore. We need to move out of this house already. It hasn't felt like home for years after my dad passed. This money sink of a house is not worth it anymore. I just ask that the next house stands up to a tornado and a hurricane. It won't be built for us like this one was but, as long as it's just me, my mom and our cats that I can take care of when I get my first real job...I'll be content. I say real job because I worked for my dad for years, years ago. He always said it wasn't a real job but, that manual labor 6.5 days a week got my body and mind messed up. If I'm not doing something then I feel like someone is going to tell me there's work to do. My body hurts, worn down from it. My skin too. I bet you the paychecks I could get will be weird since I never got paid 100+ a month unless it was a bonus for my birthday. (20$ a week. Could have been 40 or 60 if I could drive a truck/boat) Never got around to learning how to do boat on the water stuff. He was suppose to take me when it wasn't so hot since I'm sensitive to heat. I always did land stuff. Load/Unload traps and other stuff he needs. Gas the boat up. Clean the boats out. Take the 5 gallon buckets out of the boat without dropping it and myself out of the boat. Then helped him pressure wash the dirty smelly traps on the weekends. As much as I hated it because no help 90% of the time, I'll take it back. Things were simple and I didn't worry about so much then. Like I've said before, it was like a blanket was covering the world when my dad was here. Then when he passed it was like someone ripped the blanket off and shoved my face into the real world. I'm also still upset missing my 27th birthday on the 27th of August, 2019 A lot of things happened in 2019....Can't tell if that was the best or worse year because one hand, missed the special day. The other, DMC 5. Along with other bad things but, you know. D o n t e dee mee cee 2, baest gaem!
I want my forever home and want to retired already. I'm tired. I want to go home. Please, thank you. Stay out of my life depression, anxiety and evil thoughts, gurl bai Felicia. (Also Spinda, listen, I'm sorry. You can be melan again if you want. Thank you for the black and purple funny dizzy bears, come back. I need you.) [I'm sorry if this post is sad, I'm having a sad time. Kirozey might be going away for awhile.]
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Long Friend Appreciation Post

When you text your friend "good morning beautiful 💙" as joke but that evolves into sharing a bed or him getting a bigger bed with serious under tones. "Yeah, when you get a bigger bed, let me know so I can sleep on the left edge of it then you can have the 80% of the rest of the bed". I'm used to sleeping on the edge of my twin sized bed. I do sometimes roll over to snuggle one of my double pillow when it's not too hot. My "double pillow" is just two pillows on top of each other. Not one of those long/body pillows. I joked that I would probably accidentally grab him instead of my pillow, lol. I'll bring my pillow hoard so we can have a pillow wall. I'd probably mess with him anyways until he smacks my hand or baps me with a pillow, telling me to go to sleep. "You play too much, get out of my bed" In the end, the solution was for him to sleep on top of me because I said I slid into his bed to sleep if he's not going to sleep yet. No room for two? Just dog pile. Fun and games until one of us says it's too hot and we can't breathe. Who needs a weighted blanket when you can just throw your friend on top of you? Makes a nice heating pad you can snuggle too. 🤗 (Though it might move sometimes and also might make weird sounds, like snoring? ASMR I guess?) Out of all the bad and horrible things that have been happening to me in my life, I'm glad I still have him all these years later. Unless we get a friendship divorce I guess. 🤔 He really do make me happy whether he knows it or not....or no manner how much he denies it. Like always. I just hope I make things better for him. Even a little. That would make me happy. - Family problems. - Nerds about games. - Make dumb jokes. - Despise ourselves a lot. - Feel like we never accomplish anything people expect from us. - Live with out parent/s. - We want to get away from certain family members. - We know how to knock each other down and make things weird over appreciation compliments or encouragement. Yes, weird friends with a 10+ year commitment it is. 💀🤝💀 One instance; After he passed a collage class: Me: I'm proud of you, good job~ Him: Thanks Mom. :^) Me: You're welcome Son :) On my way from Florida to Oklahoma to go give him a wedgie of appreciation. 😘
In other less sappy news; I have finished this: [Heartless Monster Forme for Spinda. Normal & Shiny version] Was going to post this sooner but you know what, delayed for a good reason. I didn't like it at first but I think NOW it's good and matches the rest of the heartless monster formes. - I might make a little more adjustments now that the colors aren't so dark. Later™. Might look strange in the eyes and ears but, you know how hard it is to make a good concept work when you can only do so much with pixels? Yes. I also felt very rusty making this. I need to make more or something. "I bet you can guess what my emotional status is when these bad boys come out 8)" (Hint: Not pretty mood/mind set and I seek out a way to let it flow, let it go into art.) Elsa, no. Get out of here. Go let it go on top of a mountain and cause perma frosted winter, smh. Spinda because I was hunting them. They needed a revamp anyways. (More information about them and the revamp is on my DA, the pixel one)
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Was going to do a art thing and finish said art thing. Did stardew valley instead. Got salty about there not being a fishing mod for ginger island that's not on the nexus since the one I have now crashes the game if I fish there. Nothing wrong with the site, I just don't want to learn how to do something new when I could just download the mod and slap it in the game's folder before like before. "I'm too old and mentally exhausted. I just want to fish any where in peace." Might give up trying to get new fish there and put the easy fishing mod that does work back on. My brain still wants to make new Heartless Monster formes for certain or random pokemon. I still have a lure set I need/want to finish. Even if that person isn't hunting Spearow anymore. I won't be upset/mad if they no longer have any shiny ones. I deserve it. :') (I do hope they like it. I think I liked it last I looked at it. I'm afraid I might start it all over) I want to upgrade my badges so bad. I wish relics weren't so stinky to find and buy. I get it that some are really rare and/or you have to make them but, those prices seem unfair to me unless I am desperate. Rarely find people selling them or for a fair price. That's just me I guess considering I need my credits for zophans to buy things I need for melan hunts I don't need to be doing. Not confusing at all. Like when you cry about your comfort friend not being online then suddenly he pops up but you pretend you dont see him reply to your message on discord I was doing stuff though...I didn't lie about that. I was added and fixing stuff in my trade thread that i've been abandoning because of [obvious-personal-mental-blocks]. At least it's done now. "Sorry I was busy wasting my time at 5AM, I want to be weird with you and hold toes now, yes" Near 7AM now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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TFW you hyperfixate over your friend because of one idea. His fault for making me think about sharing a bed. Got me looking at beds and stuff, wondering if he'd like it. "But what if he likes it softer bed while I like a semi-firm one?" gotta get one of those fancy ones I guess. Ones that can be soft or firm with a remote, smh. My mom and I went to Walmart the other day so I could buy food and other important stuff. I paused to look at the bed stuff. My mom asked why I was looking for a new bed. I couldn't keep a straight face. I said "If you were to share a bed with someone, what size would you get?". She didn't even tell me. All she asked was "who, why and you don't even know him". We've known each other for like, 20 years. 🙄 So I guess I don't get her approval. 😔 ... She basically said "no unless he comes to "get me", then more power to me". Good luck with that. I doubt he would. I'm too much of a weeny anyway. It be like: Go to the airport, see him, panicc, pretend I don't exist and text him "ohno I didn't see you! I had to go because my mom has to work tomorrow. Have fun in Florida!". My mom also made a face at me asking in theory about moving or visiting Oklahoma to hang out with him. She asked why not New York. Like, wut? Pretty sure that's expensive anyways. Sure actual snow or winter weather chances and closer to my oldest sister in Connecticut but, eh. Fear of us not liking each other too tho. :') I also don't want to catfish him because I probably look so old and tired now "I made a "good morning" joke and unlocked a different path in this friendship on accident, I'm scared." I should post art next time instead of being obsessed with him. Waiting. Watching. Wanting him to text or message me back. The man has a job and college work. Not even dating each other. We friendzoned each other. Leave him alone and stop thinking about him. Stop over sharing or telling him your dreams that involve him because you keep thinking about him. You're making it weird. :l Now this journal entry is weird. How do I rip it out? ... What does this button do? ... OHNO
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I said I was going to post something art related and not being obsessed over my friend...still am and I hate it. Maybe my brother is right and I should legit ask if he's interested. "Hey, y u no have girlfriend? You too cute to be single- I mean you ugly, bye" He broke me. He gave me a crumb and I made a whole cake with it. ... Whatever that means. He got me looking at king sized beds and places in Oklahoma for rent, like hello? Someone tell me no? That's weird? I'm going to ask him to marry me on April Fools day to see how he likes it, smh. Then I ruin the friendship by being weird and forward ANYWAYS YES; I have made these things over the last week or so, lost track of time because life is being EXTRA spicy again.
[resized with css because too big] I don't remember where I've shared these other than my personal discord server and another one I'm in. Fun things to make sure I don't forget how to make them. I think I'm getting better. I haven't played a Kingdom Hearts game in years. Might be the reason why. No new fresh vision/inspiration. - I think I'm still working on Spoink. I still like the concept of it. Not trashed yet. - Yamask I did a little too much. There's a Yamask in there somewhere. Not a crow that took someone's voodoo mask at all. :') (Thinking about it; I could have made the mask blue/green so the "eyes" don't blend in. Hmm.) - I might revamp Mightyena next. I remember I had a few versions of them since someone on the old farm years ago asked for it. I think they also asked for different Mewtwo versions as well. I just know they are rough. I get what I was going for but, Oof. I just hope I don't ruin the charm. So far it looks very different from the original because there are two colors to the body it like a normal Mighyena does. Main gray color and black. Heartless forme is just black with yellow eyes. Now days they have a little color to them. Anyways, That is all. Having fun anxiety and quickly irritated by getting contacted by random people. Part of me is sorry for it but also me says, I did ask to not be contacted unless it's art or trade related. I know I can just ignore the PMs but, when that notification pops up, my heart rates goes up then I get defensive when it's about something I'm not interested in. (Friends or known people are excused because if they need something I want to help) Kirozey isn't here, I'm not nice and going to get myself banned for switching personalities to cope with life struggles.

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