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A Guide to Arceus Rank || From Beginner to Arceus

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A Guide To Obtaining Arceus Rank

Before You Begin

This guide assumes you've gone through the initial tutorial quests and have spent some time clicking around and familiarizing yourself with PokeFarm. This breaks Dexing down to several stages. They aren't strictly defined, so once you feel like the current stage isn't as helpful anymore, you can go ahead and move to the next. I will be adding more details and information to this as I have the time, but the general framework should all be here! If you think I missed anything, please let me know :)
General Advisements
Account Upgrades
Stage 1: Random Hatching
Stage 2: Breeding and Evolving
Stage 3: Infrastructure Grind
Stage 4: Champion rank, Phase 1
Stage 5: Champion rank, Phase 2
Theme made by Astrala

Current Hunt

i.png at 0
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General Advisements

Quality of Life

Before going any further, turn on Quality of Life userscript under "Options" in the Farm tab. This will let you highlight eggs and pokemon you haven't dexed yet, as well as making clicking more efficient.

Owning versus Dexing

In general, this guide is assuming you aren't dexing by borrowing pokemon from other players, aside from getting aid for trade-evolutions. There are a lot of players that offer dexing services, often with a small fee for their time (and the money/effort they put into obtaining the pokemon), which can make some of the more difficult dexes a *lot* easier. If you are particularly stubborn and want the Pokemon yourself, though, or if you don't want to interact with people that much, some time and effort will get you the dex entries you need.


A solid source of Credits and GP income is imperative, especially for later dexing. The best way to get GP is through scouring (boxes), or by participating in certain weekly events. There are several ways to earn Credits, between selling special Pokemon, scouring for and selling items, and buying GP items and selling them for Credits through the Market. Find a way that works for you and be ready for more of a marathon than a sprint ^_^
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Account Upgrades


There are various upgrades you can purchase to make obtaining pokemon more fun and efficient.

Exp. Share

Gives your party 1 exp for every interaction you make (more with Niet bonus!). Very useful, and you should get it as soon as you feel like you can save the GP for it, as it is a bit expensive for early on.


It's kind of obvious that you want to increase how many shelter adoptions you can do. Even just getting the Shelter Pass B will more than double how many adoptions you can make daily. This should be one of your first GP-based purchases.


Buy the scour slot and scour boost upgrades as soon as you can! This should be your second GP purchase after a bigger shelter pass. Seriously, this is the main way you'll get GP, summon items, early mega-stones, and totem pokemon, not to mention various sellable items for Credits. Set aside a group of pokemon, identify their preferred scour area, and switch them out when they hit 60% energy (higher energy = better items). Your pokemon can find anything from berries to evolution items, but the most important items are boxes. Boxes can contain GP, evolution items, form changing items, or summon items.


This will help a lot in getting the eggs you need for filling out the egg-dex. You'll want to check egg-groups for your pokemon, because you can breed different species as long as their egg-groups match. Spyglass - You want to get this as soon as possible. This lets you identify which eggs are which when breeding two different species. Matchup checker - Useful for knowing how likely it is you'll get an egg from a pair, and how many interactions you'll need to do. Pretty important. Exp booster - Upgrade as you feel like it. Useful for leveling up pairs to maximum efficiency, but not critical. Egg pass - Useful if you want to adopt extra eggs in a day, but check if there are other GP items that may be better to save up for first. Incense - Some baby eggs may pop up in the shelter, but a set of one of each incense isn't a bad goal to work toward. Advanced upgrades - These aren't necessarily critical for dexing. Purchase when you feel like it. Ditto - Ok, not really an "upgrade," but we all know that Ditto can breed with any other pokemon (as long as their egg group isn't "undiscovered"). Ditto's kind of hard to get a hold of, but not impossible. You'll get a Ditto Pass when you hit Champion Rank (420 unique eggs dexed, and 900 total dex entries). If you want a Ditto before that, Ditto eggs will *rarely* appear in the Lab. Keep refreshing those Lab eggs, and maybe you'll eventually find one!


You might be tempted to ignore the Wishforge badges, since they take dedicated hatching of the same type to gather the gems for upgrading. Wishforge badges, however, help you hatch eggs and level pokemon a lot faster, and are quite useful to level up! Thankfully, you'll be hatching a lot of pokemon anyway, and you'll probably start accumulating enough gems for the first few levels of Wishforge badges. Don't forget to check the Wishforge, trade in your gems, and upgrade your badges!


Probably your biggest Credit sink at the beginning. You'll want to hold on to Pokemon so you can evolve them, and to hold onto them, you'll need fields. Figure out a sorting scheme you like, and buy fields as you have the money for it. Fields can also be useful for happiness evolutions, as Pokemon will gain happiness from fields they have an affinity with. Some pokemon also have to be in a specific field type in order to evolve.


Seems kind of trivial at first, but making pokeblocks from berries can be a good source of credits, and joining weekly contests is a good GP income. Try to have a crop growing in the background when you can, to work on growing your garden size. Perfect Berries - Some pokemon require Affection (different from Happiness) to evolve. You can either grow them, or buy them from the Market.
Theme made by Astrala
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Stage 1: Random Hatching

Random Hatching

This stage is pretty simple, and where everyone should start. Hatch all the eggs you can. Adopt from the lab, claiming any eggs without a species name when you hover over them. Adopt from the shelter, both eggs and hatched pokemon, but focus on eggs at first to work on expanding that egg-dex. Make sure you're clicking through people's parties, because most people will click back, and that will hatch your eggs more quickly.

Stage 2: Breeding and Evolving

Breeding and Evolving

Also a pretty straight-forward stage. This is where the Quality of Life (QoL) userscript will really start helping out, by highlighting pokemon/eggs you haven't dexed yet. All those eggs you've hatched? Work on evolving the pokemon. Adopt hatched pokemon from the shelter and breed for eggs you've had trouble finding. Look for Pokefarm Variants and Exclusives in the Shelter. Keep doing scour missions to get evolution items, form-change items, and maybe some summon items and mega stones.

Breeding Regional Formes

A Regional Forme egg can be obtained by breeding a male of the Original Forme with a female pokemon from the region of the desired Forme (not a Regional Forme female) The exceptions are:
Pokemon Breeding Method
5.png z.png x z.png
p.png Female t.png holding gem_electric_l.png
d.png g.png holding apricorn.png

Trade Evolutions

Stone Evolutions

Item Evolutions

Special Item Evolutions

Happiness Evolutions

Other Special Evolutions

Stage 3: Infrastructure Grind

Infrastructure Grind

Here's where things start slowing down and require more planning. Build up your farm. Scour for summon items. Refresh the Shelter frequently for any eggs/pokemon you're still missing. Maybe do a small shiny hunt while you work on unlocking Summon items. This is a good time to level up your wishforge badges and participate in weekly tournaments (you'll need the tokens). Don't forget to participate in Contests and Fabulous Friday. It's a good way to get some extra GP! This stage can last until or after you hit Champion Rank. After this, dexing takes some targeted effort, so don't feel like you have to rush through.
Theme made by Astrala
Astrala's AvatarAstrala
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Stage 4: Champion Rank (phase 1)

Phase 1

Champion rank is the longest grind. Once you've gotten most of the general canon dex entries and legendaries, there are likely several groups of pokemon you still need to dex!


You've likely summoned several legendary pokemon by now, but if you haven't unlocked all of the summon items yet, you'll want to work on that! Once you've unlocked all of the other summons, you'll unlock Arceus, and then you can rest (well, relatively). Make sure to check if a legendary has a special form you might need a second summon item for before you sell any extra summon items you may find. Some Legendaries also have special form-changing held items, many of which can be bought with tokens from weekly tournaments.


Totems take some time, but are relatively easy to get. You need to collect the totem stickers from each scour area with the pokemon to be Totemed, so you can just incorporate a pokemon for each totem form into your scour rotation. The same method is used for upgrading Zygarde!

Megas (canon)

This will take a while and likely a fair amount of Credits. Mega stones can be rarely found in scour boxes, so you'll get a decent number that way. They can also be obtained via Mega Vouchers, which can be purchased for tokens obtained from weekly tournaments. If you don't have the patience for collecting tokens, you can save up Credits and buy Mega Stones or Vouchers directly in the Market.

Ultra Beasts

After the first Ultrabeast, unlocked by bringing both Solgaleo and Lunala to the Aether House, each subsequent one will cost around 1,000,000 Credits (less if you utilize Credit Discount days). You can order an egg for any unlocked Ultrabeast from the Supplier, and once it's delivered, you can trade the egg in for the next Ultrabeast you need. Keep doing this as you have the funds, and eventually you'll get all of them (and unlock Necrozma and Type: Null in the process).


Pokefarm Exclusives can be obtained by participating in weekly tournaments and trading in tokens for the egg. After the first egg has been obtained/unlocked, you can buy more using GP. Exclusives from older seasons only cost 1 token each, so if you get the full 5 tokens from each weekly tournament, you'll be able to unlock 5 exclusives per week with them! This takes some time, but isn't particularly difficult if you're participating in site events. Once you get caught up to the current and recent seasons, the exclusives will cost more tokens. If you're still actively dexing other pokemon and not waiting on just the new season's exclusives to finish your dex, you may want to wait to get them until the next season, when they'll be cheaper, and use your tokens for other things (like Mega Stone Vouchers)


There are several variant pokemon you can find and breed for. Many of them have specific breeding methods to obtain by using canon pokemon in certain combinations or holding certain items. Some variants do not have breeding methods other than using the variant parents themselves. Variant and Exclusive eggs do not go to the shelter. You'll have to keep an eye out for the variant pokemon themselves and snatch them up as you find them, or find someone selling/trading them and get one/two from them, and then breed the egg yourself.

Stage 5: Champion Rank (phase 2)

Phase 2

Champion rank is the longest grind. By now, you may have completed your egg dex, and have likely completed a few regional dexes! But you still have a few pokemon and quite a few forms to obtain...


Collecting Arceus plates is surprisingly the easiest part of this section. You just need to have summoned Arceus to start finding them! You can find plates in boxes, and people sell them in the market for usually reasonable prices. Work on collecting one at a time and you'll eventually get all of them.

Q Megas

This is by far the largest Mega Tier, and the most expensive. You can find these stones from scour boxes, but you'll probably have to buy the last few you want directly. Compare what people are selling the stone itself for to what people are selling the Mega Voucher 5 for. The latter might be cheaper. You can also wait to save up more tokens for Vouchers, too, if you have the patience.

Meteorite Shards

Now we're getting to the last few dexes. Meteorite shards can be created by giving a Deoxys EV trained in Attack, Defense, or Speed (respectively) a Meteorite. One Meteorite only makes one meteorite shard, so you'll need FOUR meteorites for all of your dexing: One for mega-Rayquaza, and 3 for the shards. You can get a meteorite with a Mega Voucher 4, which is probably your cheapest option, especially if you have the patience to save up the tokens. You can also get Reset Bags for the dojo using Tokens, so you only need one Deoxys, EV trained three separate times.

Ultra Necrozium

A bit of a grind to get. You need Z-crystal shards for this, 3 each. You can get these either by participating in monthly type-races, or by buying them from the Market. Keep an eye on prices and snag the ones you need when the prices drop.


Honestly, Silvally's memories are harder to get than the Arceus Plates. You need one Normal and 4 of the respective type Flawless Gems for each memory. You can only make Flawless Gems yourself if you have a Wishalloy-level Wishforge Badge, which takes more work than I've done for any of mine so far. Start saving your Credits. Buying Flawless Gems from the market is probably your best bet here, and make one memory at a time as you snag the gems.

Dragon Balls

Yeah, this gets its own section. To fully upgrade the Saiyan Rattata line, you need 3 of these. You *can* find them in scour boxes if you're exceptionally lucky, but otherwise, you'll probably need to save up tokens or a lot of Credits.
More information and details will be added to this guide in the future, but for now, that's it! Arceus rank is a grind, but it's definitely doable if you're willing to be patient. Theme made by Astrala
Liger-Dragon's AvatarLiger-Dragon
Liger-Dragon's Avatar
Thank You! This is super helpful. (Before now I didn't know what Arceus Rank was)
I am currently collecting Paldea Pokemon. Toss all your unwanted Paldea Pokemon in the shelter or give them to me. Be warned: If you don't, I will crush you in a Pokemon Battle.
Astrala's AvatarAstrala
Astrala's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by LE7723

Thank You! This is super helpful. (Before now I didn't know what Arceus Rank was)
Glad it's helpful! :D
Soo i can just have the mon traded to me then back to a user or wodner traded/shelter and it'll be in my dex forever?

QUOTE originally posted by AlienSnowflake

Soo i can just have the mon traded to me then back to a user or wodner traded/shelter and it'll be in my dex forever?
yup yup! any pokemon or egg you hatch will be in your dex forever :3

Sonora - 16 - hoot/owl

"You weren't quite as bold. Smarter, sharpr, brighter than the rest . . . Now you're sixteen, broke and burning out in style" -gifted kid burnout . Tom O'Donovan TH
Sweet Apple

Sweet Apple

Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A peculiar apple that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. It's exceptionally sweet.

Sells for 1,000

Lv. 14 — 975 / 1,018
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness MAX
Timid nature
PFP by Dachs!
Phew that's a relief. Coz i dont feel like having a lot of boxes of junk😂😅

Pages: 12

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