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FatalDubstep's Free-To-Play Progression Guide

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Someone recommended that I make this after I gave them so much advice so... Don't have enough money to spare? Parents not letting you spend money on Pokefarm? Don't worry! This guide is here to help you progress and achieve what you desire, without spending a single cent! My name is FatalDubstep, and I am a completely free to play player (as in I have never spent money on this site, and I don't plan to), and look at where that's gotten me! I'm (almost) at Arceus rank, I've hatched tons of shinies and albinos, as well as two melans(:D), and I've been able to consistently get hypermode and an ubercharm each month (which boosts shiny and albino chances, which we'll get into later in the thread), as well as shiny charms and a shiny charm box! (again, will talk about later in the guide :D) I'm living proof that this game is not completely pay-to-win, but it does require a lot of patience, and that you don't need to spend a single cent to get rare mons and other valuable things. Table of contents: (Will add once everything is done) By the way, if any other f2p (free to play) or other experienced players want to chime in with advice, I'll gladly add it!

1. Just starting out

So! You've just arrived at Pokefarm. First off, welcome! I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about how great the game is, but I just wanted to quickly say that this is one of the few games that I have really enjoyed playing, and I keep coming back to :D (feel free to post advice on what to do here, it's been so long since I started that I don't remember what happens in the beginning lol) For starters, your first priority should be unlocking everything that Pokefarm has to offer. In other words, you should try to complete all the tasks that Professor Holly has for you (which can be found here), so that you can unlock the trade center, shelter, daycare, and pretty much all the important tabs that you'll need.

2. Beginner

You've unlocked everything, congratulations! Now you have access to the wild world of Pokefarm. It ranges from all the pokemon and eggs you can adopt and hatch, as well as the amazing traders and trade threads that you can exchange items or currency in. Scours Your next priority should be getting scour slots and scour boosts. First off, let's take a step back. One of the most important mini-tabs is the scours tab. This tab allows you to send out your pokemon into six different areas, ranging from the vast ocean to the barren deserts, and more! What the scours essentially do is allow your pokemon an hour to search for items, valuable or not. There are many items that you can obtain (full list and more info about scours here), ranging from evolution items/stones, consumables like gummies, and boxes. The most important item that you can get, and also the most valuable item is the box (which I'll talk more about in a second). There are two ways to get boxes from scours. One way is to maintain the daily task of sending out and retrieving a scour every day, and on the fifth day in a row your very first retrieval will bring back three boxes! Nifty, eh? (Daily tasks are all listed here, btw) The other way to get boxes is to get lucky during a regular scour (as in one that isn't a daily task reward), and one of your pokemon brings back a regular box of any type! Scour Boosts and Scour Slots How do you increase luck, you might ask? (I'll get into why boxes are so valuable in the next section) Easy! If you click on the scours tab and look on the left, you should see two tabs, one called scour slots, and the other called scour boosts. These two items help you drastically improve your scour chances. Scour slots (which you can only max out at getting two of) increase the number of pokemon you can send out on a scour. If you get the maximum two scour slots, you'll be able to send three pokemon out instead of just one! (It also says in the tab, but you can buy as many scour slots as you want, but only two will take effect, the rest will be essentially useless) You are also able to purchase scour boosts (also at a maximum of two). What scour boosts do is essentially boost your chance of getting rarer items, like boxes, while lowering your chances of getting more commen items, like berries. Combining two scour slots and two scour boosts means that you have three pokemon all with a boosted chance at finding rare items! IMPORTANT NOTE: Pokemon Energy and Pokemon Preference Two important things to remember when scouring are: 1. Pokemon location preference. Each pokemon has a location that they like and dislike (chosen at random, which you have to send out to find out), with the place they like giving the text 'Preferred Area!', and the place that they dislike with the text 'Disliked Area...'. Pokemon are more likely to get rarer items from their preferred areas, and they are more likely to get common items or even nothing from disliked areas. However, it is possible for a pokemon to get nothing from their preferred area, or even a rarer item from their disliked area, it's all based on rng, but the chances are definitely lower than sending them out to their preferred or disliked areas, respectively. 2. Pokemon energy Notice that small battery symbol with a percentage next to it? That's the energy that a pokemon has! Green means high, orange means medium, and red means low/empty. The more energy a pokemon has, the more likely it'll bring back rarer items! Be sure to keep an eye on a pokemon's energy, and when it starts dropping into the orange or red it may be wise to swap it out for another fresh pokemon so that you'll be more likely to get rare items :) The Importance of Boxes Probably one of the most important, if not most important item for a free-to-play player is boxes. I listed above how you are able to obtain boxes, but what makes them so valuable? I'm glad you asked. At first glance it may seem that boxes are only good enough to be opened, and you might be lucky with getting something rare like a lot of gp, a megastone, or a summon item, but that's only partially correct. It's true that you may get lucky and obtain a valuable summon item, which you can then sell or use to obtain a legendary egg (more info found here), but the percentages are also listed in the boxes tab under 'Box contents and probabilities', and you only have around a slim 10% chance of actually getting something valuable. On the other hand, if you save the box, you have a 100% chance of making a profit. I know it's hard to resist just opening those bad boys as soon as you get them, even I suffer from that, but trust me, in the long run, saving them is better. The reason behind this is because if you save up 21 boxes of any kind, if you pay a small fee (really small, we're talking like 5k creds or 5 gp, easy small change), you are able to pack those 21 boxes into boxboxes! Now we're talking. Once you have that boxbox (or boxboxes), you can now head over to the trades thread where you can sell that sucker for, at minimum, 500k creds/500gp/100zc, or at maximum, 600k creds/600gp/120zc (prices may vary, these are just the prices I've seen them sold and bought at), but they're usually sold at an average for 525-550kc + conversions. Just make a new thread and offer the boxbox and I guarantee that there will always be someone who would love to buy it. Seems like a pretty good deal, eh? Now that you've made at least 100kc in profit, you are able to put that towards whatever you want! (aka the next step xd) (I'm really tired and busy right now, and I promise that I'll add to this later when I have time, but this should be a pretty good place to at least leave off for now. Feel free to post here or PM me regarding this (preferably pm as to not clog up the thread) or with any advice as to where to go next. I was thinking albino radar or going back to scours and talking about fantastic friday but any input is helpful.) I'll also edit this and the parenthesis text out when I come back so that the guide can be nice and polished :D
Avatar made by Acopytopy for my use only. My precious melans:
FatalDubstep's AvatarFatalDubstep
FatalDubstep's Avatar
Now you know a way to consistently get currency, but there must be other ways to get currency besides constantly waiting for scours to return boxes, right? Of course! There are many other ways that you can obtain currency besides just selling boxboxes. In this post I'll cover how to obtain credits, gold poke, and zophan canisters, in that order.

Ways to obtain credits

Credits are Pokefarm's most common currency. If you're thinking, wow, it's the most common currency yet I still can't seem to have enough, worry not! There are many ways to obtain credits, which are all relatively easy :D Daily Task Rewards The simplest way to obtain credits doesn't require you to do anything at all except log in! (Which you've probably already done, since you're looking at this guide xD) You get a different amount of credits per day depending on your online chain, but requiring literally nothing it's basically free money. However, because it's so low-effort, the yield for it isn't that high. You get 100 credits on the first day, 200 on the second, 400 on the third, and 800 on the fourth. You get gp on the fifth day, when you complete the chain, but I'll get into that later. Obviously 1500 credits (the total of the four days) doesn't really get you that far, you can probably get a couple cheap berries but they're almost worthless, so that brings me to the next way to obtain credits. Task List Another way to get credits is to complete tasks on your task list (can be found if you scroll all the way down on your party page). Each task has a different amount of credits that you will be rewarded for completing the task, depending on the difficulty of the task. The rewards range from 196 credits for reaching a level 4 berry garden (feel free to give me info here, this just happens to be the lowest yielding task that I still have but I definitely know there are lower yielding tasks.), to 654,321 credits for summoning arceus! As you progress through the game, you'll be able to complete many of the tasks unintentionally (like summoning legendaries, hatching eggs, etc.), so the credits will gradually pile up. This is a slow method for obtaining credits, but at least it's another method that you're now aware of. Important note, you have to click on the task and click claim to get the credits, otherwise the task will just stay there even if you've completed it. Scours Another way to obtain credits is through scours. Sometimes a pokemon will bring back credits, but the amount is usually low, so I won't go into more depth about it. Interacting Yep, you might've not known this before, but surprisingly you can just click and interact to get credits! This comes in handy to people who massclick (aka click a lot of fields), as well as just people who interact in general to maybe hit the 1k daily interaction task or just to max out their egg timer. I'm not 100% sure on how much credits you get per click, or per ___ clicks (the number on which you get credits), but (need more info to complete this sentence). Even so, at least it's another way to get credits. Selling This one may come off as obvious, but you can also sell items, pokemon, or even decorations for credits. Once you unlock it, the market is a great place to sell things if you need some quick credits. However, keep in mind that the owner of the market, Doug the Merchant, charges a small fee to sell an item on the market, which may seem trivial at first, but if you end up selling lots of items there the fee can quickly pile up. A better place to sell things might be the trades thread. Here, you can post threads selling and buying things, just like the market, but unlike the market there isn't a fee to sell your items. However, the downside of this is that some of the items you sell may not be in demand, so you may wind up waiting a long time selling the items, which might be bad if you quickly need the currency. For example, let's say you're selling a form-change item like a rotom sparkplug. If you sell it on the market, you may not end up making the biggest profit off of it, but it may sell really quickly, which helps you get the currency quickly. In contrast, if you post a thread on the trades thread wanting to sell a singular rotom sparkplug, it may take weeks before someone randomly winds up randomly needing that specific sparkplug. In summary, use the market to sell an item fast (usually more common items) but for a lower profit, and use the trades thread if you're willing to wait a little longer (although it all depends on the demand) but make a bigger profit on the item. If you want to sell something even faster than that (yes, it's actually possible O.O), you can sell the item directly from your inventory. If you click on the farm tab, and then the inventory tab, you can see all the items that you currently have. If you click on any item that you want to sell, it gives you the option to sell it directly from your inventory. The only downside to this is that you get even less than you would if you sold it on the market, which is understandable since you can sell the item almost instantly. I wouldn't recommend selling from your inventory unless you really have to, since selling from your inventory definitely lowballs everything (for example, a shiny charm box costs 10mil credits to purchase (although you have to buy it in zc, but this is the conversion rate), whereas it sells from your inventory for a measly 10k credits, around 1000 times less). I'd only recommend selling from your inventory for really common or relatively useless items, like training bags or common berries, since those items are super common and have a hard time selling even on the market. Other (thanks to FelineOverlord, Acantha, and KaiserMeowser for these tips!) Tips by FelineOverlord: - Incremental credits earning by selling items. Mainly training bags and the daily 20 free fishing Poke Balls. It's not much but it's free money. Also extra interaction points can be turned in for extra Albino Radars which can be sold from the inventory. - I try and buy as many 60-packs of DCP as I can on Persephone days. They can go a little under 500gp each with the hypermode discount. They can then sell for up to 110 ZC/equiv on a good day, which is a great conversion rate - Site-wide events are great sources of income too— gp from Fabulous Friday and contests, Z-crystals from Type Race, and the mega vouchers and new items/Pokemon from MCW - Shelter hunting. The tedious, grindy manual labor that nobody wants to do can usually get you some currency XD - Checking the trade forums frequently in general Tips by Acantha: First way is surfing the market! Sometimes if you click through some of the tabs in the marketplace you can catch some really good deals then turn them into profit! Ive done this a good amount of times and it really helps. Second way, and one I do all the time, is looking in the trade forums often! Whether it's people looking for dexes, legends, or random pokes for breeding pairs there's always a demand for something that you might just have laying around in your fields that you have deemed unnecessary! Third way is flipping through the shelter! Believe it or not the shelter contains more than just eggs and random pokemon! Ive found legends, deltas, and even an albino in the shelter! The last option im going to add is making breeding pairs! Any random breeding pairs that you can throw together can be turned into profit! I personally don't really use this one but i do know that a 90+% breeding pair can go for around 10 gp just for regular pokemon! Not to mention exclusives/variants could be sold at around 20-30 gp! Tips by KaiserMeowser Here's my tip for credits: You gain Interaction Points every time you interact with Pokémon or eggs. Giving a Pokémon a berry that it likes gives you the most Interaction Points, which is 7 Interaction Points. Best to mass-click people with nicely berry-sorted fields and feed each Pokémon their preferred berry! You'll then be able to trade in your Points on the albino hunting page under the 'Albino Radar' tab. Grab yourself an Albino Radar there. You can buy as many of them as you want! Then, shuffle over to your Inventory and sell the Albino Radar for 125k credits each! Selling on the Market or in the Trade Threads is also possible but the selling prices there tend to actually be less profitable than when selling through your inventory. It's also much faster ;) (I'm not done, I'm going to add more, but I'm a bit busy right now and this was all I could get to, as always, any and all advice/tips are appreciated ^^)
FatalDubstep's AvatarFatalDubstep
FatalDubstep's Avatar
(reserved for shiny hunting, if I even end up getting to that lol)

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