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Average rating:
★★★★ 4.59
(2,016 reviews)

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Pages: 12345

Vrisket: "Its pretty 'meh'"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 08/Mar/2017 13:10:17 (7 years ago)

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Pretty fun game till you learn its a ripoff of a different game :/ ah well, I still kinda enjoy it.

👍 28👎 114

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 08/Mar/2017 16:03:19 (7 years ago)

If I may ask, why is this a bad thing? Is Pepsi a ripoff of Coca-Cola? Is Burger King a ripoff of McDonald's? Is Ford a ripoff of Volkswagen? Competition promotes creativity, and I like to think we've become a far better game than we would have been without competition. Please feel free to contact me via PM if you want to discuss this further - but as it stands I honestly don't feel that this is a fair review. So there's another game like ours, so what? Please, I would actually like to talk about this and learn more about your perspective.

The Alpha: "Review"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 27/Feb/2017 19:05:09 (7 years ago)

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Note:i had an account before this one but forgotten my password What i love: i love how friendly the staff are and i love the mass click weekends and wish there was more than just one a month but most of all i adore the custom Pokemon If i something had to be improved:i think getting shinies and albions could be easier even just by a little bit as it takes ages to get shinies and not everyone has that time on their hands. What i dont like:the mass click weekends are only once a month i lobe thses and hope to get a mega evolution of each eevee and its evolutions

👍 23👎 130

Nidoran: "Very Poor Customer Service"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 26/Feb/2017 06:14:44 (7 years ago)

So I went to Target the other day, you know, to get some packaged hamburger, drinks, browsed some of the clothes they had hung up. From the thirty minutes I spent there, two employees spoke to me asking, "Could I help you with anything?" Of course, I declined their offers, I've been to Target multiple times and knew what to look for. But it's nice to have option for assistance. About five weeks ago, I messaged an Administrator a question that was of high-priority for myself and two other users. Never got a reply. About seven weeks ago, I offered a suggestion and was rudely replied to by the head-programmer; saying that my Suggestion was being worked on, and accusing him/her/it of being dumb. (or so I'm understanding; it's hard comprehending and answering to vague rhetorical questions.) About three weeks ago, I stopped playing because there still was no reply from the Administrator, and therefore had to cut a lot of losses between the three of us involved. Yes, I've spent money on this site; considering starting out as a working Shiny or Albino hunter is near-impossible to do. No, I'm not a happy customer. I'd be pretty upset if the checkout lady at Target told me I'm an unintelligent person, and the rest of the floor staff walked up and pulled birds on both hands while I left the store. And from what I've read, experienced, and have been told personally, this is how the staff of Pokefarm.com treat their customers. Type all the weird, unprofessional ([memes INTENSIFY] *ooo* o_o) uncharacteristic slang/text chat/misspelled things you want, but goodness, it got old and ugly real quick.~ Couldn't change my mind about these opinions, even if you swapped my brain with someone else's. Literally. Why don't YOU check the wiki and give that person the help they're requesting? Let me just point out, I'm a former Warframe moderator from the Xbox One console, from around 13 months ago. We were taught to keep calm and professional. That's all we had to do. Calm and professional. Because, I tell you, a female moderator on Xbox with people speaking to players between the ages of 10-40 (of a majority of of them being males) can be pretty interesting. Most players were respectful, after asking questions in Region Chat, they would give thanks and leave. Some players taunt you between various levels of disgusting and hate. And honestly, if I told one of you staff members "You stink!", I would be permanently banned from all game-play, chat, and forum activity, with no possible way to retrieve access. And to make it better (because "Garthic", one of the administrators, is guilty of this) you would screenshot me saying that on the forums somewhere saying "Well when you disrespect, we fight back. And that usually leads to a ban." No recommendations from me. Coming from a player that was on Pokefarm.org, and made it to Arceus rank in about 35 days of joining. -Alpha Wyvern

👍 151👎 27

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 26/Feb/2017 12:29:13 (7 years ago)

Thank you for your review. Since that's quite some serious stuff you're bringing up, I am going to investigate immediately. I believe I have tracked down the message you are referring to, where you contacted an Administrator but never received a reply. I will be asking the Admin in question about that as soon as possible, with all urgency - after all, when real-life money is involved? That stuff's serious. I don't think there's any excuse for you being ignored for over a month when dealing with something like that. I will get to the bottom of this for you. --- Regarding the Suggestion, I believe you made a (remarkably well constructed) Suggestion about advanced options in Field Search. At that time my response was to explain why it was more complex than it appears. What you see as a user is the result of many calculations, some of them complex. While you may see "Level 54", behind the scenes it's more like "160,000 EXP on a Pokémon whose species is a member of EXP Group #3 is enough to cross 53 Level Thresholds". Evolution is even worse because there are a wide variety of conditions that have to be evaluated and checked, some of which involve cross-referencing eg. Trade history to find out if the condition is met. You seemed to understand this (Me: "I'll still try to figure something out, but right now? No way." You: "That's still not a rejection. :)") and all was well, but some other users either didn't take it so well, or didn't understand what was being said, and started arguing further. Eventually I will admit that one of them angered me by claiming that I wasn't even considering the idea when, clearly (as you yourself recognised!) I was considering it, it was just difficult to do well. I was a little salty because of that other user and posted a little scathingly to clarify that yes, I was considering it! In fact, a month later, we got a (admittedly basic, but functional) Field Search. All that being said, you ended up deleting the thread, with no reason provided. Forgive me for saying this, but it seems you may have misread what I said and thought it was directed at you, rather than the other user. I hope this explanation has cleared all that up for you. --- I'm afraid I don't quite understand what point you're trying to make with regard to staff and your own experience on a totally unrelated platform, and I don't want to make assumptions. But I will say that - in general - on XBOX they only really care about you buying the game. After that, who cares? But here, we consider the community to be our most valuable asset, and we work hard to ensure that the community as a whole is allowed to grow in all the best ways. If that means removing disrespectful individuals, then so be it. Anyway, if you'd like to discuss this further, you're welcome to send me a message. I understand you may be apprehensive considering what happened a month ago, and I don't blame you, but I hope to get that issue resolved and also listen to any other issues you may have. Thanks again for your review.

Stargates: "Alright"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 25/Feb/2017 17:56:17 (7 years ago)

It's a bit hard to start up, and a bit tedious to click so much. Anyone who loves Pokemon and adoptable sites will like this for sure though!

👍 26👎 61

Alik: "On A Basic Level the Site Works, however..."★★☆☆☆

Posted: 09/Jan/2017 05:31:17 (7 years ago)

There are problems as all things, but I will say when it comes to the core function of the game, it works. The site at its core, when it comes to its basic functions such as clicking, trading, daycare, etc, work. The clicking has been made fundamentally easier since the implication of the 'Open All' function which I was quite pleased to come back to after a long break. It got rather tedious returning to the page list of users online when I wanted to move to the next person to click, so the new function to open multiple users at once and toggle through them proved undoubtedly beneficial. The trading has been great and has improved to be easier to navigate and now comes with optional upgrades for those who are really into lots of trading or helping hoarders. I never quite liked the idea of the daycare pairs just sitting in there and making eggs like the last game did, seemed unrealistic, so with interactions determining the possibility of egg production, it feels more believable and encourages the main purpose of the game in the core of its function. In that regard, what I've mentioned functions well and does what it needs to do. Updates are coming steadily and there are some bugs to work out, and in these regards and basic functions all is well and continues to be improved on. On a whole, however, the basic functions can't be the pretty gloss over that leaves out things that are not working out so well. First and foremost the staff, as others have pointed out, do seem to have an attitude or a problem when certain situations arise. When players are honest, (and I do admit some don't input their honesty as kindly or understandable) staff members sometimes have an issue with this. The way some staff responds can be very rude, and it can be hateful as well. They seem utterly insulted by honesty or criticism. It gives off a sense of being very thinned skin and because staff have been shown to talk rude and get snappy when they don't like something (even simple stuff such as questions) it does seem to solidify this idea. It makes it look as if the staff have a short fuse and will devolve into insults or generally being rude to players akin to a young child throwing a temper tantrum. It just doesn't look good, and when I see this, at my own age, it shames me to see apparent adults acting in such a manner. People look up to you, you're moderators, giving off an attitude and insulting your players while being spiteful, hateful, or anything like that is not only giving terrible examples to those looking up to you, but it's making people around your age or older lose a lot of respect in you. Yes we definitely enjoy the staff here is far more human and have a sense of humor and can be silly, but that doesn't excuse what has been done and what continues to happen. I really would enjoy seeing all of you improve, and I keep hearing about it but it doesn't seem to be happening. People make mistakes, things can be frustrating, the players can be frustrating, but work on it. Word yourself a little nicer, explain things nicely, don't jump on people or to conclusions while trying to insult or intimidate them. Don't just use your titles of moderators as a reason to assert power or any of that cliché villain stuff, be those good examples for people who play. People don't want just funny moderators but nice and understanding moderators running the site, people that can learn and grow from mistakes and input from others. This attitude that is put on and being seen by is almost molding this intense and terrifying number of players into the same basis attitude while others focuse on appealing the moderators so nothing bad happens. You don't want people to have disrespect, fear, or such an intense array of attitude and attemptable appeal rubbing off on your players right? I don't imagine anyone would. This is why I quit recommending this site to my friends, in fact I wouldn't recommend it to people who weren't my friends either. That being said I can agree and see a glimpse of possibility for change in the fact you have set up these reviews. They not only allow you to see other sides of a coin but also fellow players who by seeing the differing reviews won't have a repetitive bout of the same context every where they turn. In giving people this chance and voice, thank you, and I will keep looking for that change I keep hearing about, and wish all of you moderators the best of luck in working on these changes and applying them to your goals rather now or in the future. I want to give you a chance, a lot of people do, but many of us aren't seeing it, prove to us you can change and get better. Be the professionalism that people say is lacking. As for this paywall I keep seeing in some of the reviews, I will try to explain what I think it is, and in fact I myself see it and I believe I know what people are talking about. You have two types of players on your site. You have players who use real currency/cash on the site to get Zophan currency and do whatever they'd like with it. You also have players who cannot afford to use real currency/cash to get Zophan currency or they are not old enough to have a credit card/job/other means to purchase this special currency. These are non paying players. So you have Paying Players and Non Paying Players. I think what a lot of people are trying to say is the things you call 'luxuries' is actually fairly insulting to people who don't pay because it's as if all the 'luxuries' you talk about, which is mostly purchased by zophan, does give tremendous benefit to paying players and seems pandering solely to paying players. Oh you can purchase Hypermodes, here's you free gold poke every month, here's you a free summon every month, etc. It seems very pandering and rewarding to those who pay. See because there are no outlines for pricing, people just kind of make up their own prices, and a lot of the times, people want Zc. It is understandably the most sought out currency on site. Not everyone just wants Zc, but many do. Non paying players cannot afford this, and in a sense this takes them out of the trading game with certain players. Ah but people don't have to have these things, they can find other people to trade with, there's other routes. Yes and no. Yes they can find other people to trade with, just with less options for Zc only people, and no because this does in a way cripple them from the core function of the game. The point of the game is to hatch eggs and fill in your dex, get pokemon's data. We don't just have normal pokemon now though. We have shinies, we have albinos, we have melanistics. A non paying player who wants a living dex with every entry under the living sun, as you can imagine, is going to look at that and know it will never happen in the time span they'd like. You could buy them. With what? Can't use Zc, especially with Melanistics, as you aren't a paying player, you don't do shiny chains that don't break every time a shiny hatches, you don't easily have your own melanistic to offer. When a non paying player, what do you have to trade? Honestly not much. You won't for a while, either. Dex trade is an option, if someone doesn't mind and you don't mind sparring boxes or Gp, but some can't do that for a while as they try to build Gp and find summons. I remember when I began when this place first opened and its taken me -years- to get where I am. -Years- That is tedious, it has been tedious, it was tedious, I can only imagine what some people think when they join this place. I'm sure a good number of them just stop playing because it's such a slow start. Now, I am not suggesting that this is a bad thing, I just believe this is what in majority people are trying to say, they feel under classed and not as good as their peers who can pay, who can afford all the cool stuff, who seem to get it all fairly quick and easy, more so before them. There is a great divide between a paying player and a non paying player and I can say as a non paying player it is difficult, because it is. I've had to work quite hard to get where I am, and it took a long time to get where I am. I think that's the biggest problem. Besides the feel there's more pandering to paying players, things feel too difficult and tedious when you are not a paying player as you definitely cannot go as quick with earning things as a paying player can. One more thing I'd like to mention... The Market is a joke. It's laughable. It really brings out the worst in people who just don't mind ripping other people off. Where as a shop had fixed prices to avoid this problem, people are putting regular evolution stones in the upper 20K and even 100k+ prices. That is utterly ridiculous and if they really want to charge that so be it, but it's uncalled for. Maybe the Market needs a bit more tweaking, such as fixed cap pricing in how much you can sell an item for which also depends on its rarity. I'll use evo stones for example. Let's say you sell a water stone, and you can start as low as 1 Credit, but can only cap the total price of that water stone you're selling at 5999 credits. You can't go beyond this price, and can only cap at 5999 credits when it comes to stones. Something similar to that. I don't know if its been realized and I'm no economist but I can tell you just from what I've been seeing some of these changes lately are really messing up the so called economy of the game. I don't agree adding more currency is going to help either, it hasn't so far. These wild pricing areas like the Market need some kind of limit and controlled range as the inflation is no joke and in fact getting worse.

👍 162👎 25

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 09/Jan/2017 10:42:23 (7 years ago)

Thank you for your review. You must have taken quite some time to write so much! I'm sorry for your negative experiences with staff. While it was true that staff could go off on the tiniest thing years ago, the major culprits are no longer with us and I like to think that things have improved tremendously over the last few years. Especially with regard to taking criticism. However, as you note, some people tend to be rather abrasive when voicing their criticism, but please understand that we aren't trying to shoot them down or anything, we just want to help them find more helpful ways of expressing themselves. For example, if a user says "I don't like it", we ask them why. If people make false accusations, do we not have the right to refute them with evidence? Sadly, very few people take kindly to this and escalate situations well beyond the point of reason. Oh, and if we lock them or delete their thread, that "just proves their point". It's quite honestly very difficult to deal with some people, but we do try to keep things reasonable. Should we fail at that, you are always welcome to lodge a complaint with our Staff Manager, Garthic. I see what you're saying with regard to the Zophan situation, but I do want to mention that the people who you say ask for Zophan for everything, are typically the people who can't buy it. Non Paying Players. They can't buy ZC at the source, so they do what they can to get it via trade. This, to an extent, is the whole point of being able to trade the premium currency (which is something almost no games allow). We try to make it so that almost all Zophan items are optional, with the alternative being to invest time instead. For instance, the Wishforge allows you to invest time and effort into getting huge EXP boosts - Zophan can't buy that! Finally the Market, we are hearing many complaints about it but this is how it is on every game that has player-defined prices on a free market. Just like in real life if someone is selling a basic item for outrageous prices, what do you do? Laugh at them to your friends and move along to the next seller. The fact that you see those high prices is proof that nobody is buying it. So long as nobody buys it, the seller can't sell more of it, so it's in their best interest to price things sensibly. If you want to know the more "real" values of items, see the history to find what they're actually selling for. A price cap will not help, and I can guarantee you that it would change the market so that everyone just asks for the cap price. If that happens, the free market is destroyed. This also applies to trades in general, as the price caps would be seen as "official prices", which is something we do not want. The market is free, meaning people are free to put ridiculous prices on things, and you're free to not give them money. Overall though, thank you for your review. Please get in touch either on the Forums or via PM if you want to discuss these or other issues further.

Hunters Moon: "Old pokefarm was better"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 08/Jan/2017 14:40:28 (7 years ago)

The shop function is laughable Obtaining things is laughable This game is a shadow of its old self I'm only here because my sister plays it But I wish the old pokefarm was still up I put alot of time and effort into it only to have to start over here and this game doesn't even feel lIke anything other then a money pit And its events have unrealistic expectations for people who actually have a job 20 thousand clicks in a day for a stupid premium box Give me a break I'm super salty

👍 36👎 94

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 08/Jan/2017 14:59:39 (7 years ago)

I'm sorry to hear of your saltiness. If you have any specific suggestions we're always open to hearing them, but unfortunately we don't know how to make things less "laughable". Please don't hesitate to post in the Suggestions forum with ways we can improve.

NightmareVixen: "PokefarmQ is more restricted than Pokefarm"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 07/Jan/2017 22:06:43 (7 years ago)

Features previously available for free are now pay to get. There's nothing to really do, despite art at the landing page giving off a different vibe than just being a clicking site. Shinies are ridiculously restricted to 'free' members. Half of the tournaments are also unfair to free members. Clicking is an unrewarding chore, giving out little money to get anywhere. It's all monotonous and repetitive.

👍 32👎 67

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 07/Jan/2017 22:16:01 (7 years ago)

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way regarding the site. I'd like to understand more specifically what you are referring to, especially with regards to alleged "paywalled" features. Please feel free to send me (or Garthic) a PM to discuss this further and hopefully clear up any misunderstanding. But as a general note, I'd like to point out that (almost) everything in this game can be traded, even items that can normally only be bought for premium currency. Even the premium currency itself can be traded! We actively encourage our users to play to their strengths and utilise our lively trading areas to compensate for areas where they might struggle. PokéFarm Q is designed to be a social game, where everyone helps each other out.

vulcant: "Mixed Bag"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 07/Jan/2017 21:26:45 (7 years ago)

You dub this a child-friendly site, yet seem to forget that children lie about their age daily to watch restricted videos on YouTube, and have forums filled with pornographic material of childhood characters (pokemon). Although I know you can't exactly stop lying twerps, I believe threads such as those should not be accessible on this site so easily. Whilst I disapprove of some of the methods used to run this site, it is an interesting, almost hive-mind community to behold.

👍 25👎 73

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 07/Jan/2017 21:52:16 (7 years ago)

We're sorry you feel that users lying about their age means our site deserves a lower rating. We do take efforts to ensure that people who lie about their age are caught, and when we do catch them we take good care to explain why lying about their age is a problem - not just for our "mature hangout" area (which, for the record, has allowed some users to find help dealing with serious issues such as depression and sexuality) but also for any content we may implement in future that could be considered age-sensitive. It's also worth noting that we collect date-of-birth information in order to comply with child protection laws, which we can't do if people lie. While you may not see it, since any incidents that do happen are handled in private, we do take good care to protect the children who visit our website, and I hope you understand our stance on this.

Juke: ":/"★★☆☆☆

Posted: 07/Jan/2017 21:01:22 (7 years ago)

The game is fine, but oh my god a few of the staff are some of the literal worst people I have ever seen. They're very rude to people who ask questions, particularly Niet, and the head mod, Constantine, is a super huge jerk. In the former's case, the best example I can think of is a few months ago a user asked a question that was answered in the OP (albeit slightly covered with more text). Niet said something to the effect of, "We always have at least one person who can't read." Maybe chill? As a former mod on another petsite, one rule we had drilled into our heads was, "be as professional as you can be where others can see you." Calling someone out like that just makes you look like a pompous jerk. Not saying everyone is bad, but it's hard to take the news seriously when it's posted by people I have no respect for. I honestly like GPX more - at least Big Bidoof isn't rude to his users and doesn't lie about who he is. (watch this not show up, despite it being an honest critique)

👍 105👎 71

hypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam] replied: 07/Jan/2017 21:49:04 (7 years ago)

We're sorry you feel this way. I realise that not everyone enjoys the same sense of humour, and efforts will be made to avoid this issue in future. I don't know why you don't think this review will appear though - there's no point in having reviews if you can't post negative ones! Personally I would question "honest critique" since it seems more like a rant to me, but to each their own. We hope you will give us an honest chance to improve in future.

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