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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
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Sagau doesn’t comment on Celere’s display as he extracts a few pans and bowls, saying, “Well if I remember, this’ll need some flour; baking powder; white sugar, beet or cane shouldn’t matter, at least according to Lukas; some salt; butter; milk; cinnamon; but most importantly, about five peaches or the canned equivalent. And thank you for not pressing on some things I’ve said, but I really should talk about it sooner instead of later.” He leans back against a counter, sighing, “I just wish I got the chance to learn to cook from my mother, and not that scruffy old fool.” ~~~~~~~~~ This is looking a bit messy, maybe I should step in. Thinks Kirze, before he attempts to build up a Hydro Pump, however, as he widely tosses his head back before twisting forwards, there is a distinct lack of water rushing out from him.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Celere disappeared down a trapdoor once she heard the list and came back with most of it, she was careful with placing it down before she headed to the fridge and retrieving the chilled ingredients from there, "There you go, please don't ask me to actually cook, I uh..." there was a memory flash of the group being laid up for a couple days, "tend to give people food poisoning, not a good cook at all." there was a nervous laugh from her, "Should probably make the effort to learn how to do basic foods at some point, I don't want that happening again, I'm quite rightly banned from the food when on the road, ehehe..." *Why do an alarming amount of us have parent issues... why am I suddenly thinking about that... Hrm, maybe I should go see a therapist after all...* --- The impact of 'Roke' slamming into where the fox had been was massive, Seyr having bounced backwards and immediately throwing up wind magic to deflect the incoming debris from the 'splash zone', "Wow that's really messed your head up, thought you were smarter than that!" fireballs exploded against the skin of her opponent, she'd use thunder element magic but given how irradiated Roke was she really didn't want to run the risk of causing a chain reaction there, sure it'd kill them quickly, it'd also kill anything in whatever radius the explosion had, along with leaving it a glowing green sea, "Oh, so close!" the rock pillar that had launched her skyward was obliterated by the rampaging monstrosity below as it charged, "Damn, you really are a mindless brute now huh?"
Hikari's AvatarHikari
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Iliya had been with Toré at the library, the female feeling too uncomfortable on her own. Her mind had been racing with thoughts again, she realized full well that Toré wasn't doing so well as he'd taken the same toxins that were still in her body as well. Even though she wanted to believe that these people were the good kind, she still could not bring herself to trust food and antidote vials. Forcing herself to take that antidote was a difficult process. A familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts, coming from what seemed to be...the entrance hallway? 'It can't be...' she muttered to herself. It really did sound like Frau, yelling loudly enough to quite possibly wake up several people. Her brain had been tricking her several times lately, it couldn't possibly be real. "Did you...hear that too?" she finally asked Toré.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
Sagau put the butter in a large pan that was shortly placed into the oven as he started it to heat. He then took the peaches to begin slicing them, as he said, “Well, I can teach you if you want, cobbler isn’t exactly the best beginner dish, but it was what Lukas first taught me. I suppose it’s almost better I learned from him, my mum’s more traditional foods usually cooked for a long while.” He then grabs a large bowl, and looks Celere in the eyes before informing that “this is a bowl, things go in it… might be officially categorized as a mixing bowl, meaning that the things go in it… go in it to be mixed.” After a heartbeat of stifling laughter, he neatly measures in some salt, flour, baking powder, and sugar before carefully dousing it in milk. “How about something simple, you just mix that together while I get back to the peaches.” He then gets back to the peaches, putting them in a saucepan and lighting the stove as he drizzles in some sugar and salt. ~~~~~~~~~ Either pick a side and help or turn your tail and run, what’s it gonna be Kirze? He asks himself the question as he watched the fight renew intensity, and finally he closes his eye and looks away… before rushing in towards the more brutish of the fighters
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Right as Celere went to take the bowl, ignoring the very baby-like instructions to replace them with more adult words, she heard the selfsame voice, "Hold that thought, I need to figure out who's making a racket at four in the morning, thank god the bedrooms are soundproofed..." she was quick to place it down and walk off to the entrance hall, "Oh, it's you, the last person in the triad, do you know what time it is? Keep your voice down damn it, people are trying to sleep in here." she kept the soundproofing to herself, choosing to make it seem otherwise, and before this person was allowed to speak, she overrode him entirely, "She'll be down when she's ready, no sooner, no later, give the girl the time to do it on her own... Frau was it? In the meantime, sit down, shut up, and wait." --- As Seyr fell back down to firm ground, supported by a minor wind vortex she caught sight of... something charging in, her reaction was swift as an arm swiped across, an ice wall erupting from the ground to block their trajectory, "My Kill! Stay out of it!" she landed and immediately sent multiple fireballs into 'Roke's' back, bringing it's attention right back on her, the mutations having spread to the ex-humans entire body by now, "Unless you feel like dying a slow painful death to advanced radiation poisoning I'd suggest you keep your distance!" she proceeded to duck then sidestep another brutal swing, feeling the heat rising from the being she was toying with, spikes of pure shadow being thrown next into his legs to pin him for a few seconds, just long enough to get some distance, her brain working at top speed to find a solution that would kill them, but not result in an effective atomic bomb going off. --- Toré paused, ignoring the sudden pain in his head, he turned and looked in the direction of the voice, "Well, why not go see? If nothing else you'll be stopping him from waking everyone else up, just because some of us are night owls or don't sleep doesn't mean everyone else here is, I'll be right behind you just in case, so... yeah, go on, nothing stopping you from this." truthfully he was grateful for the distraction, he could hide the books he didn't want people finding until he'd confirmed the contents for himself, besides, Iliya could do with something good for once, and if it was one of her old friends, maybe they could convince her to take the medicine for the toxins seriously.
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
As Sagau continued his preparations without Celere, he thinks of how she had spoke, She acted as if she had known me… Does she know what pulled me here? Vanya seems to have known this was to happen, that note fits this world, yet Shadei-Urr did not plan this. Surely the Steel Masquerade would not betray his work. Gauredei and followers were always one in goal to Shadei-Urr, united before any known text of my forefathers… But there is one factor let out… no, what could scare a god? ~~~~~~~~~ “‘My kill’ you say, that doesn’t sound like a warrior’s mindset.” Muses Kirze, stumbling back from the frosted barrier, “And what’s so advanced about this… rational poisoning? I’ve been poisoned enough times to wonder if I’ll turn right into a poison type myself one of these days.”
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Seyr bent backwards, back of her head scraping the snow beneath as the fist above sent wind rushing past, wind magic was used to propel herself a good distance away, "Please, don't tar with the same brush as a bunch of meatheads, besides, this isn't some kind of twisted honor match, this is a centuries old grudge being put to rest." her mind was still whirring a million miles an hour, she'd exhausted magical means and was falling back on more scientific means, instantly going to how reactors were maintained and prevented from melting down, *rods, carbon is mostly used but there are better metals that can be used for it, going to have to learn on the fly, conjuring metal has never been easy and without my full magics available it'll be even harder...* her first tail shuddered and went limp, she was quick to force it through her belt to stop it getting in the way, "As for the poisoning..." the earth split as rock sealed around the monstrosities lower half, giving her a few moments to breathe and get the explanation across, "imagine every fiber of your very existence becoming corrupt, every cell mutating, becoming cancerous, incapable of dying only spreading until everything a part of you is consumed and your organs cease to function." she slid to another side again, using the earth magic to keep her foe still a bit longer, "It's painful, there is no antidote, and your death is assured unless treated by very specific specialists, this idiot here is unlucky, he mutated from the sheer amount his body absorbed." She'd figured out the whole metal thing, and with veins bulging, threw her arms up to create a dome keeping this newcomer out and the two of them in, her second tail immediately going limp, in the darkness of her dome fires were conjured and thrown around to create a light source, as the earth began to crack and the rumbling more heard than sounded, she chugged down the ethers she had, the tails coming back to life as a marker of her mana pool, "Right then... first, need to get I don't know how many control rods in you, and then... a single potent blast should be enough to wipe your filth from this world, I just need to buy enough time to get that magic charged up, while my magic reserves are as strong as ever..." *my Stamina is depleting rapidly, forcing myself to go through all of this evasion is tiring, need to make sure one spell does the job or else you'll get your way... should probably work on that.*
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
“I’m usually threatened with fates about as bad as that… weekly? I suppose there’s likely greater risk of susceptibility now, however.” Says Kirze, before trotting further back, “So… I’m just sitting back here, then? Just watching the fight. But, what should I do if you die?”
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Seyr couldn't hear the question, the roar of her dome being erected having drowned it out entirely, she was too busy evading the swings and strikes aimed at her with killing intent, her lungs burned and her physical limbs began to ache, eventually, in accordance to a sudden spike in the clicking from her mechanical arm, she took a single blow to the stomach and was sent through her creation, her body rolling for a few feet before she got back on her feet, a more comforting green glow healing her wounds the moment she'd stopped getting well-acquainted with the ground, she waited, eyes transfixed on the hole in the metal, the moment the monstrosity came through, which, sure enough it did with that blind rage screaming into the air, she flung her arms out and then brought them down crossed in front of her, the remainder of the metal contorting into thin small pillars, then, screeching into the beasts flesh, burying deep until it looked like a grotesque pincushion, "Phase one, huh, left ear is busted, wonder what that's about." a hand was brought to said ear, she knew immediately by the warm red liquid she found what had happened there, "Oh goodie, you threw out the eardrum, just what I needed right now, another stain to add to my coat..." The Orange stripes that had been so pale before sprung to life, shining and becoming vibrant in place, her hands slammed into the snow below, sigils and circles crackling as they spread from under her touch, "Ever wonder what the difference between talent and hard work is? Well in our world it meant respect from most, however only those willing to put the work in could access specific types of magic, not even the most elder masters had access to specifics spells, one managed to make a copy of one, weaker in power by far, 'Comet Storm' I believe they called it?" the eyes of 'Roke' widened, somewhere in the destroyed mind of the mutation recognised what was happening, more roaring and struggling against the control rods that had sapped away the majority of what gave it strength. Seyr stood up once more, the magical prep on the ground dissolving into blue and brought into her biological hand, "There were two that had even the masters of the master petrified, Ultima and Apocalypse, magic so strong, so destructive, they had their own echelon of forbidden sealing them away, sucks, because I figured out their casting not too long ago, but even I'll admit those two are too raw, untamed, wild, uncontrollable..." her hand was beginning shake and twitch at the force of the magic she was compressing and keeping held, turning from blue, to yellow and then slowly to red as her prep work continued streaming into the magical energies she was holding, one tail barely staying aloft, wavering as it drooped, "Well, I have my own version, significantly less powerful and destructive, but still far, FAR too much for people like you to ever even conceive of wielding, no name for it, it doesn't need one." the moment the energies finished coalescing, turning into a deep crimson colour, she snapped her hand closed into a fist, the resulting explosion emanating from 'Roke' sending her and the other talking creature flying far away immediately, raising her head to look at her handiwork, she first saw a bubbling ball of red, expanding threatening to burst at any moment, the second a did... her vision was immediately obscured, overtaken by a sea of the same red that flattened trees and swept away boulders and rubble, it was fortunate she'd encoded non-target life to not be harmed into that magic, or even she knew the magnitude of the magic wouldn't have even left a shred of a corpse behind, *yeah, don't use that again, even tempered and weakened, still far too strong to be wielded at this level, heh, suck it Roke, you deserved worse...* her face hit the snow beneath her, she just needed to rest at this point, she was content though, a final loose end finally tied up, a pest exterminated.
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
Kirze barely lands on his paws, skidding against the snow until finally reaching a halt. His eyes had closed, and don’t open. He expresses why, “That power… what a pathetic thought to have feared Fjord now. But… Sasha’s scarf… I cannot bear to look in fear of damage. Please tell me if it’s okay.”

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