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Novie's Bruh Journals

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Pages: 12

Novan-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNovan-chan
Novan-chan's Avatar

June 6th's Sprite Update/ some previous to current sprites

Its been about 6 days since the recent update of sprites, which a good amount of them that were my sprites that I've been working on over the past few months. While I dunno about a thread that lists an registers every single sprite that was previously SPrite with the current sprites, I can at least show the group of new sprites with a few of previous sprites before it. They'll all be in accordions so the post isn't ridiculously long cause lel rant. Though I may add on to it to have more then just the recent sprites but its mainly if I have the old ones to show as well n given OK. These sprites ARE NOT "free to use" just because they were replaced with newer versions.

Mega Gengar

The pain in my existance. Mega Gengar. Mega Gengar was of a group of Megas I picked out to tackle and give new sprites from the sprites Looker had made. of the 3 seen. - 1st to the far left was made by Looker. - 2nd and 3rd were made by me, Novan-chan. The thing with the original Gengar was that it was super flipping big. Far to big in comparison to normal Gengar and the other Gengars seen next to it. It was a pixel over of the well seen Model from XY/ORAS. So it was also fazed into nothing. with the 1st Mega Gengar edit I made, it was given a lot of backlash. There were a lot of users who disliked it and called out how it was bad, They wanted the old Mega back and were upset about "the artist adding legs to it" Even so far as a user saying how said artist is horrible or removed, even though the very previous comment they made was about Lunupine and how awesome it was. It took awhile to actually get actual feedback that would actually help make a better Mega, instead of saying "I don't like it" or "Bring back the Old one". The Sprite has given me a bit of anger an pain. I'm still pretty salty. To clearify why it has legs. If anyone saw the YT podcast that I was in, I've explained my gengar. I didn't add anything to Mega Gengar, it was already there. Its just never shown in any art, game and plush of it except for XY/ORAS. I even had a friend waste 2 hours straight with me in multiple Pokemon Battles, using every possible move that would pull a Pokemon into the air or cause said POkemon to bounce into the hair. TWO HOURS. Only 1 thing works. Half of Gengar's body is fazed into the ground that means its other half of the body isn't seen. Its hands are sometimes seen when it uses em to attack. THOUGH, if one has ever Mega evolved their Gengar THEN SWITCHED Them out an switched them back in, you'll actually seen the only instance to where Mega Gengar reveals its whole body to us for a split second before fazing back into the ground. I worked my lil tail off to back up 1 feature to the sprite to prove I wasn't adding anything. I found the image involving a Gengar Named "Pride". To Make sure that wasn't some fake edit, I did 2 hours of battling on XY/ORAS with my friend as well as half an hour of finding the actual Youtube Video Pride is seen from the screenshot. excuse the rant >> After given the feedback, I worked the several months in making a new Mega Gengar while working on Sylveon. I tried keeping to the same pose but of course making it better. Several people have said that Mega Gengar was darker than Gengar. But when I looking into it I came to a conclusion. Mega wasn't darker colored- Its the same color as normal Gengar,Its shading was opposite and reflected the glow that was on the ground! N in attempt to make it more unique, I gave the New Mega Gengar a cackling laugh grin. c: Scarier was demanded to replace the bubbly. I hope I succeed in that

Fennekin line

The Fennekin line were the 1st sprites I made when I 1st joined staff. I had little to no Experiece in pixel art so the 3 weren't that good, seeing as Fennekin alone had 2 previous sprites n not just 1 like the other. After over a whole year of being on staff and learning an evolving my skills with pixel art, I felt that I was good enough to go back to my original Sprites and revamp them to the new ones that are currently on sprite. I feel very proud of them. 1st Fennekin: Mila (Old spriter) 2nd Fennekin: Sei 3rd, 4th and Current: Novan-chan 1st Braxien: Sei 2nd and Current: Novan-chan 1st Delphox: SuddenHack 2nd+Lefty and Currents: Novan-chan The hide below is a quote from "Welcome to the recode" thread that, I hope, explains my sprites, if you wish to read.

Quote from "Welcome to the Recode thread"

QUOTE originally posted by Novan-chan

Correct~ and yes while the Fennekin line has gone through a few updates, I believe the post Garth provided explains it far better then I could explain. So please excuse everything below as I explain my Foxes. The Fennekin line was my 1st set of sprites I made when I joined Staff. I took over the project which replaced Sei's Fennekin and Braxien and whomever made the Delphox Sprite and adding the popular Left Handed Delphox to the mix. As seeing the "History of Fennekin's Line" I made 3 Fennekin sprites, 2 Braxien sprites and 2 sets of Delphox Sprites. the 1st Fennekin, the one with Fennekin kneeling. That sprite only lasted 1 day. Many people disliked it and I was devistated how much it wasn't liked with its pose. Its pose was supposed to be a playful pose, like a puppy wanting to play an wagging its tail, instead it was taken as Fennekin being agressive or something. I worked on the 4th Fennekin sprite that replaced the 3rd and has been the Fennekin Sprite for over a year, with the mistakes I did. the 5th Fennekin Sprite, the now current sprite, has most to all the mistakes I could find fixed and gave it a new playful pose that -I Hope- justified my 2 previous sprites. My 1st Braxien sprite was merely just a shrunk edit of Sei's Braxien. Was to make it a bit smaller and to edit out the twig in its hand and have it in the tail, to then make the sprite mysterious as to which of the 2 then newly Delphox pair it would evolve into. The New and Current Braxien keeps up to the line being energetic and -again what I hope- keeps in mind Braxien's femimine figure. Serena's Braxien in particular was kept in mind. I wanted Braxien to look different from most of the other Braxien sprites I've seen as well as keeping its twig wand in its tail. My Delphox's were the most difficult of the line. Among the line having mistakes on color, sizing and such. I was still new at spriting when I was making them (I had little to no Pixel art experience before being on staff.) I was to make Delphox smaller then the previous sprite and add on the Lefty Delphox. I had so much trouble so the easiest thing for me was to flip the bodies and make slight edits to the hands ETC. As like the rest of the line, wanted the sprites to look Energetic and dramatic as well as make sure both Delphoxs were obviously different in pose while also making Lefty be a bit more unique. Between them facing different ways and letting Lefty be visibly using psychic. All of which I really made sure the colors were correct on the normal and shiny to that of the official art, not the models' colors. I also did my best to fix most of the mistakes I made with my last sprites and tried to make them look good. A few months were put into these sprites, along side the time they sat, waiting, to be added. I love the Fennekin line myself and, while I'm no collector of them on PFQ, I love the line enough to make sure They looked their greatest. I'm sorry the changing is becoming "a bit much" but its for good reason just like with other edits to Gen6+ stuff.

Noibat and Noivern

I forgot if I had took up remaking Noibat or was asked cause I made Noivern. >> But either way, with Noibat, I had to shrink its sprite, much like the 1st time I made Braxien. Though I had edited adjusting n fixing up stuff so it had fit better, as well as making it smaller compared to the old one and fixing up and darkening the lines since the old's was too light an had no black lines >> Today (6/12) I was was given feedback by a user about something making the head abit big. Though of their suggestions made the head narrow and didn't fit Noibat as its got a pretty round head. So I adjusted it myself with my own edit and now the new Noibat stands 1 pixel shorter then the noibat I updated on the 6th. Noivern I forgot too but I know couldn't keep it flying since it was a butt for me so I instead had it standing on its wings and legs, correct the colors as well as fix and darken the lineart. The reason there's 2 Noivern's is because I also didn't use black lines and I had edited a few things. I also readjusted some lines. 1st Noibat: Sei(?) 2nd and current Noibat: Novan-chan 1st Noivern: Mila (?: old spriter) 2nd Noivern: Sei 3rd/4th/current Noivern: Novan-chan


This I remember I took up making a new Sylveon Sprite cause I was bored and felt the sprite needed updating. Along with talking about Mega Gengar, I had also spoken about Sylveon on the podcast on Pfq's YT. With the feedback from a user, I was able to make the Sylveon sprite far better then before. Sylveon, oh Sylveon, like I said in teh podcast, is like the odd cousin of the Eevees. It doesn't have that kitty mouth or plump/sleek face. No. It has a straight face and has a box face. oh lovely. on top of that I screwed up that the tuff of fur was on its head n not its ear. Also if anyone see's Sylveon's official art, ya can see how its back leg looks like it was broken and healed wrong. Well ye there's that and that I made the legs a lil chubby. Chubby Sylveon. And its ribbons were stiff. Hopefully I had fixed all that with all the edits to the new Sylveon sprite
Art By Novan Code by Shazi
Novan-Chan and all forms of her belong to me Avatar of Novan is made by me for my use only!
Novan-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNovan-chan
Novan-chan's Avatar

oh boi Avatars

I've not posted here in a LONG TIME. I finally did update it to have this lovely Template that Shazi was a sweetheart and a half to make for me qwq an I thought I postie post again. So I had a bit of trouble handling my time well and focusing on site work, so I had to cram getting the artwork for the Halloween event done before it released. I still ended up late but was still able to finish. I ended up taking a number of days in a row where I stayed up til like 4am-passed dawn working/etc. I've been a bit irritated with myself, as I could've gotten all that done sooner, but instead I jumped about different projects and lolligag'd a bit. Questionable about of sleep also made me unhappy. Friends an Staff helped though, with was a plus-side. But still on me that I was late. The days around finishing the last Image for this event (Life Wish Halloween Event 2018), I had went about making a small avatar for myself. Cause, y'know, its Halloween. I love Halloween. I was also already super excited about Splatoon's Halloween Splatfest and we got Halloween gear DLC. Remembering that I can actually celebrate my favourite holiday again made me doodle this:
Making Novie into a Kyonshi, as to match my Inkling, who's currently wearing a Kyonshi hat. With Showing a few users, some had asked if they could get avatars as well, even to pay for them. While I don't typically take up making things for users when told/asked, or just making stuff for a lot of people in general, I decided that I could indulge some and take up their offers to make them smol Halloween Themed Avatars like mine. Since, well, the Weekend was coming up, I gave myself those days. (link is to post I updated with all the images if anyone wants to see em <3 ) After working on a few, A few staff even asked, and word spread that I was working on these. Before I knew it, I had a bit of a list going of people asking for avatars. It was both really fun but also a bit stressing. Fun, cause people really wanted these, while be I wanted to restrict to Halloween themed for the most part, but also stressing as there have been growing number of people asking. That was also reason why I didn't make a shop. I didn't want to come around to overwhelming myself with commissions. I feel very sorry that I had to decline a few people now that I'm ending it, but only wanting to do this for a few days, I have work to continue doing. I don't think I can handle doing site stuff and maintaining a art shop like anyone else on Art Staff who do, have. An that's like another thing that makes them amazing to me. But It did make me ridiculously happy though that people loved the avatars I made and were very sweet an understanding when they had to wait. I ended up making 21 Avatars for people, 5 of which were staff. AlyssaNights was a sweety and didn't want to ask for one as she knew I had a list growing. So I made her one anyway. with updating my journal and linking the post with all the avatars, it also contains the few lil doodles I made for other users that I could find and add. The whole thing makes me smile =w= I should also just head to bed, today I only had 2 hours of sleep an was forced awake around reset to eat... yay...
Art By Novan Code by Shazi
Novan-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNovan-chan
Novan-chan's Avatar

Recent Backup Issue

So there was a bit of a discovery about Sally having a bit of trouble with backing up properly. For full info, see here. SO Amongst the discovery. I was asked to do a doodle showcasing Sally's lil oops. With:
(Also seen in info post above)
But afterwards, I came to thinking about something and decided to draw it out! With it, being a comic stripe of Niet having to handle the rampaging Dragon-bot instead of Garthic. This is how The comic ended up:
Also in this image are: Sei, Sporkobug, Constantine, Shazi, Suriya, Methos, Persephone, TrollTaku, DuchessLunaire, Cele, Zubrat and me c: You may not be able to recognize them, cause its small and/or messy but I do- so I'm listing them c:
Art By Novan Code by Shazi
Novan-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNovan-chan
Novan-chan's Avatar

AHHHH I've been so overjoyed! Niet had told be just before the announcement was made, about the Facebook Ad being put up. It was such a delightful surprise to hear it was up! I couldn't be more happy! I had to keep apologising for squealing and crying to my friends, I've been happy! And reading through the thread, Ah, I couldn't stop crying. I'm so glad so many enjoy the art and love the story that was put together for the ad! I haven't been able to contain how happy I've been, it started worrying my doggo XD While I'm up an all happy, how about some information on Vulpix's Story and a bit that went into the project? As well as more in-depth details on background stuff for each panel, yes?
A lot of work went into each image. Making sure that all panel ideas were liked by the majority of Staff before continuing on. As well as making sure background looked nice an fit the scene. To even stopping here and there to concept further! There was originally going to be a few more Fakemon, but it was decided to limit it to just 2-3 and focus on the Cannon Pokemon in the foreground. The site still has fakemon and its apart of our site, but Fakemon is just apart of our community. Having it mainly focus on seeing the Cannon Pokemon would better be recognized by people who know of them but also be curious about the unrecognizable ones, the Fakemon especially. While the Fakemon could've been seen by newcomers (who are 'up-to-date, do excuse me) as "possibly Gen8", if joined in they'll further learn about them if the ones shown had peaked interest! I mean, the Promo Code itself is for a Mega Stone exclusive ONLY to PFQ and connects with the story! The project was always meant to be a carousel ad, with 10 images. I was mainly given free reign to decide, concept and work, along side with making sure everyone in staff enjoyed it, of course. Gender Neutral was picked as the star trainer, so that it wasn't fully clear as to what gender they were. Simple. Vulpix, on the other hand, had a few reasons. Besides that its one of the cutest of starters, it's tails growing and splitting as it gets older gives everyone who's aware of Vulpix's lore an idea of time passing along. Much longer than it takes to click your Vulpix up to level 30, that is lol. BUT, Vulpix was also picked to be the Star Starter because it also happens to be the #1 most popularly picked starter on PFQ upon sign up! What a lovely fact! It had to be added in~ Down below I have an accordion set up for each image and explaining a few more other details, in case anyone is curious, or see if what they noticed is correct and what else they missed!

Panel 1

Panel 1 Can't start on your Pokemon Journey without being introduced to the Professor!? Originally, Prof. Holly's partner, Monny the Monferno was suppose to be apart of the image. But I was having a bit more difficulty actually getting him to be nice in the image himself. So he's off screen. There was also a 2nd version concept of this panel that could've gotten picked, mirroring getting your Pokemon in Pokemon Black2 and White2, with Prof.Holly front and center an eggs behind her. The one picked was due to introducing the Star Trainer and picking their Partner! in this image, you can see a new view of the layout of Holly's Lab. She also has a Bookshelf that splits her lab! The Bookshelf itself has books all labelled with different Pokemon Types! A Sally plush is also visible, based on the same Sally Plush from my 1st 12 Days of Christmas image (2014) before Sally got her more consistent markings. On the bottom shelf are 13 books in Roman Numerals, with 1 book missing and another being hidden. the 13th book has a bookmark in the shape of heart with a 3 point tip at the end. A reference to Organisation XIII from the Kingdom Hearts series, and the Heartless symbol of the same series. Koroku's legs can be seen on the Monitor. Mama Lunupine's bed, which has been seen a number of times in Story Events, is barely seen by Prof. Holly's Arm. On the tray, Prof. Holly holds, is the Farm Key, Pokedex and Trainer ID Card that all of us get upon signing and going through the tutorial~ The Pokedex being touched up a bit with a few details than its usual appearance on its sprite. Funnily enough, all of these eggs hold a fun fact! Vulpix, as previously stated, is the most picked Starter among users on start up! The other Eggs picked are also very popular Starters upon signing up! Restricting these picks to Top 2 favourite Grass Starters, Fire Starters, Water Starters, and Electric Starters. Which can also be a long stretch of a reference to Generation 1 Pokemon games, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow!

Spoiler: Names of each egg shown

With their Place/Stat shown

From left to right as shown in the image: Shinx (4th): 9,499 Mudkip (10th): 4,695 Rowlet (11th): 4,675 Pichu (5th): 7,943 Vulpix (1st): 14,894 Froakie (7th): 5,821 Bulbasaur (13th): 4,376 Charmander (2nd): 11,716

Panel 2

Panel 2 Pretty sure anyone new to being a Trainer irl would be overwhelmed to so many Pokemon and people around, ye~? Originally there was suppose to be a 2nd Starly, but it was cut since this one has a LOT happening in the back. Kitsubuki is one of the 1st Fakemon to be clearly shown for the ad! A cool Pokemon pick, yeah~? Croagunk was placed but just generally accepted. How its about to use Poison Jab on its trainer is a nod to Brock's Croagunk in the anime! This panel was to show the other genders, but also show that the outfit colours, skin tones and hairstyles could be different apart of showing the then newly released Trainer Customisation! Also to show that we also have different Key stone accessories available! The scene behind the trainers is PFQ Square, caught from a different angle than what has been previously seen during Story Events. Of which, a glimpse of the centre piece of PFQ Square, The Victory Fountain, which the new design was 1st seen in the End Scene of the 2017 Hallowe'en event that introduced Hallowe'en Liepard and Vamgar line (sorry I don't have a image available atm qwq) Other Trainers with different coloured outfits, skin tones and hairstyles an colours are seen out in the background. 4 to be exact. THOUGH, there are far much more Pokemon in the image. Throughout PFQ Square and the Daycare. While a Background Pokemon, one can note that there's a Ho-oh above the Star Trainer's head. This is a nod to Ash Ketchum 1st starting his Pokemon Journey, as well as a nod to the Business Card that a few Staff members have (with artwork also drawn by me!)

All Background Pokemon

In town o Gastrodon West Sea o Gyarados (tail) o Charmeleon o Swablu (on Green dressed Trainer's head) o Impyre (on 2nd Black dressed Trainer's head) In daycare/Lab fields o Amaura (barely seen, by Male trainer's head) o Chikorita o Charmander (between male an Star trainer's heads) o Sceptile (next to Charmander) o Totodile (next to Sceptile) o Zangoose o Granbull (next to Zangoose) o Linoone (barely noticable but by Zangoose) o Drifloon (by Zangoose) o Ho-oh o many unidentifiable brown bird flocks

Panel 3

Panel 3 Who wouldn't hug a fluffy cutie!? Bit dangerous when it puffs fire from its mouth though! But its totally worth it. Thanks to crits to staff, more bits of the egg was added to make sense. Originally there wasn't egg bits under Vulpix. Unlike Vulpix's Sprite, Star Vulpix's white tail is already curled. For Those curious who don't know already know about Vulpix's Lore: Lore wise, when a Vulpix is born, they're born with a single white tail. As they age, their tail splits and gradually gains colour, into the vibrant colour and 6 tails its iconic for. Its not shown in the anime or the games, yet that's in its Pokedex entries. So here on PFQ, we hold to it! Background was made pink and fuzzy do to the focus being on JUST the hatch of Vulpix. Its also something done in animes when handling something super cute or comedic. Cute in this case. BUT Also has loose details of trees an bushes in the background. So its not just a plain background.

Panel 4

Panel 4 After our initial tutorial of getting our eggs from the Lab, where do we go next? The Shelter! Of course! There was a different concept before, of the same thing, but the placement was different. Funny thing, in the middle of working on this project, I wanted a Shelter Team Member to approach the Star Trainer. But problem, none of us knew what they looked like! We've ALL heard of them, they're in the history of some of our Pokemon! Pokemon hatched by the illusive but ever caring Shelter Team! So I went into making a concept for Staff to see. The idea is that Shelter Team could look like any typical user, but help our dear Prof. Laurel in the Shelter to tend to and rehabilitate Pokemon for the Wild if not already adopted! So I created an outfit based around 2 Breeder outfits seen in the games. BW(gen5) and XY(gen6)'s breeders. With the Colours based around on the old Pokefarm colours pre-recode. Greens and Browns! Holding to the fact this is a Breeder. I had clear idea that everyone on the Shelter Team's partners are all Pokemon/Fakemon that have the ability "Flame Body". And Flenchinder is cute so this trainer has one as his partner! He also wields a Key Stone Accessory! the Stickpin! Here's our 2nd Fakemon! Ayeren! It was just too cute to not add, among other Fakemon. there was no objection to it when drafts were shown. An Eevee was always wanted to be of the foreground Pokemon. But it was Originally suppose to be Leafeon. But I had trouble with the tail and ears, so It was changed to a Eevee that evolved easily with friendship. Umbreon <3 Who's also holding a particular egg~ Though there IS a Leafeon still in the image!

All background Pokemon

from left to right: o Lucario o Burmy Grass (above Lucario) o Larvesta o Weedle o Combee (M) o Zoura o Sheldon o Wooper o Eevee o Litwick x2 o Charmander o Leafeon o Shroomish

Panel 5

Panel 5 This was one of those painfully relatable images on PFQ, The 1 Pokemon who brings Berries from Scours while the others bring boxes. We all can relate to Grovyle. he's doing his best In the original concept, Sneasel was going to be a Taipaeus before cutting a few fakemon from the Foreground. I had trouble thinking of a scene, so I ended up making it just outside of PFQ square from far behind Staff Building. I also didn't want it all to be in day, so I did this one around sunset Out in the sky, Eon Duo, Latios and Latias can be seen soaring by!

Panel 6

Panel 6 Typically one of our 1st Summoned Legendaries or Mythicals were from the Dex locks. While having a Legendary/Mythical Pokemon with a lower Target would've made some lick of sense, like Diancie, some people wouldn't get it if they don't know recent gens. The most iconic of Mythical Pokemon in the Dex Locks is none other than Mew. I funnily think that Legendary/Mythical Pokemon do dramatic entrances to give us their eggs :P This one was another moment where I wanted to show something but there was no concept for it. That being a Trainer's home for their farm! I gave a simple concept after asking to do so and the building in the back was accepted. The idea of a User's home was a idea I had for when I kept trying to make a Minecraft version of PFQ or simply imagining such when a comic would past by my head lol a Normal and Hypermode homes were loosely concepted. For this scene had the Star Trainer's home, The different terrains is pretty much like what our fields would really look like (to me) with large plots designed to said field. Similar to some of the Story Event background but far more compact. The Field the Trainer an Vulpix are in, That's the Unown field with more openness to it. In the back is the Ground Field!

All Background Pokemon

From left to right: o Sudowodo o Solrock, Minior and Lunatone o Scrafty o Chimecho o Alolan Vulpix o Rayquaza's Silhouette (in the sky) o Meganium, Noctowl, Ledian

Panel 7

Panel 7 A cute win! Yeah, Sad Dratini hurts my heart to, but the reason Shiny Dratini is there is from the vast number of contest entries during contests where a Shiny, Albino or Melanistic is there, with nothing on it. Its just standing there. Do understand if anyone reads this and has done that in the Contests, This is not a jab! This is just a thing that happens and a thing of our community! The Pichu Contest entry was loosely based on a previous winner but represents the entries that use ALL of the slots to make something with their entries! Star Vulpix represents the casual enjoyment. The scene itself if what I imagined a portion of the Contest hall would look like. Based around various contest halls in the anime with a large monitor. The text used is the same text used with the 1st Story Event, where I wrote out words using the deciphered Pokemon language alphabet. This Pokemon language was 1st used in Pokemon: Best Wishes instead of localising the text for different regions. The text has changed up abit since but I do use a verion of it. The text on the monitor says "WINNER VULPIX" During concept stage, Panel 7 was originally going to be showing Type Race. But was voted to change to something else by everyone on Staff. When the Concept was for Type Race, Star Trainer an Vulpix were to be on Team Fire and joined up with the trainers from Panel 2 With their Team Pokemon. This would've also had a LOT of Fakemon, like Faumueno, Orkit and Toxilisk. Though This one would've been VERY packed.

Panel 8

Panel 8 Enjoying a day out to instantly regretting your decisions moments later. I enjoyed making the water and Making that Feebas so mad . The expressions in general I enjoyed! This scene takes place at Sea, just before going out to open ocean. The Boat was designed to, of course, have the classic Unown Logo. In the back on the beach side, a Fishing Hut can just barely be seen with a assortment of different coloured boats. If ya zoom in qwq A shiny Wingull can be seen among its Flock! More pokemon were meant to be seen but I kinda took a long time on the water >w> of said Pokemon were Laprus, Squirtle and Sharpedo!

Panel 9

Panel 9 This one is the other Painful truths. A Troll Party! Many of us had these lol Originally there was going to be another egg but then it was remembered that ya can only have 6 to a party. Star Ninetales is there. Gotta keep true! I very much loved this panel out of the others! Its just too cute! This is the point where Star Trainer evolved their partner after they got their 6th tail. Which mirrors how after lvl 30 is when we get Ninetals on site~ The sparkles match up to how a shiny or albino sparkles when they hatch, being blue and red respectively. It was actually til the VERY END of the last minute edits and tweaks was when I added a Substitute toy to the corner for the lone Vulpix to interact with~ An I think it was the perfect addition! Most of the Vulpix, in concept, had their eyes closed. Which AH CUTE. Though, after reading a comment in the thread, it would've been neat to also have an egg be a Delta. Which would've been barely visible but a neat ad in none the less. Opprotunity missed! I would've picked the Fire Delta so it could be Double Fire typed or have it be Electric Delta'd. If I actually remembered to add that ^^' oops

Panel 10

Panel 10 After All that work, Finally getting to meet and accept an egg from Biggest Mythical POkemon of them all, Arceus! Originally Arceus was gonna be laying down, but that didn't work with sizing. So Its leaning its head down to snuggle the Star Trainer while they and Star Ninetales stand on a cliff side. Ninetales was originally going to be appearing nervous with Arceus there, but I changed it to it bowing its head respectfully to great the great Mythical Pokemon. The scene itself is similar to the scene seen in my 12 Days of Christmas ( 2018) But its just a bit closer than where that was at! To where Niet's Mountain, the pond and where Pledge Grove can be seen. Star Ninetales also has its featured Mega Stone, to hint to new comers that Ninetales has a Mega Evolution if it was nonticed! Which is also used for the Promo Code~

All background Pokemon

from left to right: o Herd of Tauros (1 being shiny) o Rapidash (next to a purple dressed dot being a trainer) o Sally's Silhouette o Poliwag x3 o Shellos West Sea o Dratini and Dragonair
Art By Novan Code by Shazi
Novan-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNovan-chan
Novan-chan's Avatar

Ever got really excited to make something and then you realise, AFTER ITS DONE, that it's dummy small than most media art and you put a lot of work into it? Yeah, Hi, my name is Novan. I had this lil file that I used for stream art doodles and I completely forgot it was sized for the forums. And I wanted to make a cute little media release art for the Hisui Releases with a splash of Pride in it. And I've been a bit hesitant to just post it so here we go. I still cute though. Hope everyone who comes across it, enjoys it! As well as enjoys the new sprites and calls from Eben set to come soon!
Art By Novan Code by Shazi

Pages: 12

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