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Neonyan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNeonyan
Neonyan's Avatar
Hello & Welcome to my free to use coding hub! This is where I will give my codes to da public <3 Please leave a comment if you are using any codes in this thread! It helps satiate Sally's everlasting urge to consume threads. I would also appreciate if you wanted to tip me when using my codes! You can do so by sending a gift with any ammount or type of currency. It's not required of course though!
  • Terms of Service
  • About Me Codes
  • Signature Codes
  • Forum Thread Codes
  • Type Race Codes
  • Site Skins & Extra CSS

Terms of Service

By clicking off of this tab to obtain my codes, you are agreeing to this T.O.S!

Please do not ...

  • ... redistribute my codes! If someone would like to use my code, please redirect them to this thread.
  • ... claim any of my codes as your own.
  • ... use my codes in any for-profit work. (Aka -- selling customizations of my code, or similar things).
  • ... take large portions of my code and use them in other templates without credit.
  • ... ask me to teach you BBCode or CSS -- please use online resources to learn yourself!

Please feel free to ...

  • ... edit my codes.
  • ... frankenstein my codes.
  • ... ask me in this thread or in PMs for assistance with my codes*
    Again, I will not teach you BBCode or CSS! Please only ask me questions about my codes specifically.
  • ... ask for assistance on making your edits of my codes fit PFQ's ledgibility guidelines.

Coding Resources

Some resources I suggest using to learn about BBCode and CSS are: BBCode CSS
  • W3shools CSS Tutorial An introduction tutorial by W3schools to CSS. I highly suggest using W3schools to troubleshoot and learn about CSS beyond just this tutorial.
  • Developer Mozilla CSS Tutorial An introduction tutorial by Developer Mozilla to CSS. This is another site that you can use to troubleshoot and learn about CSS.
Hosted on Pokefarm and Written with Pokefarm in Mind

About Me Codes


This is a simple code that can be used as an About Me or as a Forum Thread code. It uses PFQ's built in colors, though you are welcome to change that!


This is a simple about me code themed around Wooper!

Signature Codes

Basic (Revamped)

This is a simple signature code! It has very concice coding so that you can fit more stuff in the actual content. I actually made this about a year ago, but I touched it up slightly and am reposting it here, since wherever it was posted before was nuked for inactivity.

Directions on Editing this Code

Notes Before Editing! Please make sure all your code edits are legible. Read through the Pokefarm Legibility Guidelines and check your background vs text color's contrast with Pokefarm's approved tool. You can use this site to find a hex code or rgb value code you like! Trouble Shooting - Check your syntax! CSS has to have proper syntax, or the whole thing will break. An example of proper syntax: .test {color:white;background:black;} An example of broken syntax: .text {color:whitebackground:black} There's no ; at the end of each value! Another example of broken syntax: .text {color:white;background:black; This text is missing a closing } bracket! Another example of broken syntax: .test {color:fff;background:black;} The color's value is supposed to be a hex value, but it is missing a # at the beginning! It should be #fff instead of just fff Actual Guide Replace the selected link with your background image of choice! This is by default a repeating image! If you'd like to use a non-repeating image, replace the highlighted text with "cover" or "contain", depending on which looks best with the image you want to use. Additionally, you should replace the highlighted "repeat" with "no-repeat" if you are opting not to use a small repeating image. To change the color of the black transparent box, replace the highlighted text with either a hex code (will not be transparent) or a rgb color code. (Ex; rgb(red value,green value,blue value,transparency value). You can use this site to get a hex code's red green and blue values. To change the text color that's inside of the black transparent box, replace the highlighted text with a hex code. To change the background of the credit's bottom bar, change the highlighted text to the hex code of your choice. To change the text color of the credit's bottom bar, change the highlighted text to the hex code of your choice. (Note; this does not change the LINK color. Just the text inbetween the links). To change the text color of all the links in the signature, change the highlighted text to the hex code of your choice.


This is a simple signature code that includes a pagedoll! It uses an import to transfer all it's css. This is a modified version of a signature I made for myself! You can add a custom divider & a custom pagedoll. Take care to credit the divider you choose and to check that you have permission to use it.

Directions on Editing this Code

Notes Before Editing! Please make sure all your code edits are legible. Read through the Pokefarm Legibility Guidelines and check your background vs text color's contrast with Pokefarm's approved tool. You can use this site to find a hex code or rgb value code you like! Trouble Shooting - Check your syntax! CSS has to have proper syntax, or the whole thing will break. An example of proper syntax: .test {color:white;background:black;} An example of broken syntax: .text {color:whitebackground:black} There's no ; at the end of each value! Another example of broken syntax: .text {color:white;background:black; This text is missing a closing } bracket! Another example of broken syntax: .test {color:fff;background:black;} The color's value is supposed to be a hex value, but it is missing a # at the beginning! It should be #fff instead of just fff
Actual Guide For this code, you do not need to edit any CSS! You only need to change the value of the variables. The custom variables I used are: @pagedoll, @pd-sizing, @divider, @div-sizing, @div-height, and @div-repeat
@pagedoll is pretty self explanatory; it's the image URL for the pagedoll. Replace "https://i.imgur.com/2Ya6DRN.png" with your image URL. Keep the quotation marks. Example; @pagedoll = url("https://i.imgur.com/2Ya6DRN.png");
@pd-sizing is the way that the code will crop your pagedoll. "Contain" will make sure your image stays within the dimesions. "Cover" will crop your image to a square and center the image. Possible Examples; @pd-sizing = contain; @pd-sizing = cover;
@div-sizing is the way that the code will crop your divider image. "Contain" will make sure your image stays within the dimesions. "Cover" will crop your image to the length and height of the divider and center the image. Possible Examples; @div-sizing = contain; @div-sizing = cover;
@div-height is the height that the divider will be. I have it set at 15px as a default, but it can get larger or smaller then that. Examples; @div-height = 15px; @div-height = 20px;
@div-repeat determines if the divider image will repeat or not, or which way it will repeat. Possible Examples; @div-repeat = repeat; @div-repeat = repeat-x; @div-repeat = repeat-y; @div-repeat = no-repeat;
An example of what your code would look like after customization would be


[style] //*IMAGES*// @pagedoll = url("https://i.imgur.com/2Ya6DRN.png"); @pd-sizing = contain; @divider = url("https://images.placeholders.dev/?width=2055&height=100&text=Made%20with%20placeholders.dev&bgColor=%23f7f6f6&textColor=%236d6e71"); @div-sizing = contain; @div-height = 14px; @div-repeat = no-repeat; //*IMPORT CSS*// @import 'skins/user/J/k/b/g/signature-f2u-pagedoll/__extra'; [/style]

Forum Thread Codes


This is a simple code that can be used as an About Me or as a Forum Thread code. It uses PFQ's built in colors, though you are welcome to change that!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Text Box

This is a simple code that @AngelOShadows commissioned! They asked for it to be free to use, so here it is. It's based off of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky/Darkness/Time 's text boxes.

Type Race Codes

Type Race Order Display

This is just a short code to display the order that you have your type race teams in! In order to "pick" which type is currently not grey-scale, just bold the image with [b]bolded here[/b]. If you want them all to be full color, bold the entire section.

Forum Thread Codes

Team Psychic; Caitlin

This is a free to use code for the type race thread only, please do not use for a shop or journal or anything else. This is based around Caitlin, the Psychic type Elite Four member of Unova!

Site Skins


This is a Site Skin that's been color-picked from discord and restyled to fit discord's theme best I could! It's the theme that I personally use ^^ There are two ways to use a site skin; one way is to simply import the skin. This is done through selecting Farm --> Options --> Others --> Create/Change Site Skin --> then typing the Site Skin's path name in where it says "Enter a skin path to use:" This Site Skin's path is "Jkbg/discord" without the quotations. If you want to use this Site Skin that includes DrWho's Party Clicking Modification, the Site Skin's path is "Jkbg/discod-party-modification" The second way to use this site skin would to be creating your own skin, simply copying all the manually inputted colors/values & then copy pasting the raw "Extra CSS" from mine, into yours! This way takes a bit longer and is more complicated, but gives you the flexability of editing my CSS and adding your own into the "Extra CSS" section!

Manually Inputted Information

Background image: https://i.imgur.com/HPjCjH7.png Global background: #36393f Content background: #393c43 Text: #c4c5c7 Title background: #2f3136 Title text: #dcddde Link: #00b0f4 Visited Link: #00b0f4 Active Link: #00b0f4 Normal User: #80b4c9 Graphics Team: #43b581 ChatOT: #faa61a Mod-in-Training, Moderator, SuperMod, & Administrator: #ef5859 Border (global): #2f3136 Border (title): #2f3136 Border (content): #2f3136 Flavour liked: #21a66a Flavour disliked: #542323
Raw Extra CSS Code Raw Extra CSS Code Including the updated-for-showcases version of DrWho's Party Clicking Modificationn.

Site Skin Snippits

DrWho's Party Clicking CSS - Modified by Neonyan

This is a very helpful quality of life CSS that DrWho wrote several years ago. With the release of the showcase feature, Mochi & I used his CSS as a base to edit and modify so that the showcase would cooperate nicely! There are two versions of this code. For desktop, they are identical. Their differences lie in how they interact with mobile. The default version simply makes the berry buttons huge. The no-scroll version takes up your whole screen and hides the site's header, preventing your screen from scrolling if your phone detects your "tap" as a scroll by accident.

Berry Button Image Changes

This snippit changes all the berries on site to be berries from previous events. This code is also fairly customizable if you want to add your own images! Please let me know if I'm missing any official berry button sets from other events not listed. 2015 Pi Day Event Version: Raw Code 2023 Costume Coundrum Halloween Event Version: Raw Code 2023 12 Days of Christmas Event Version: Raw Code 2024 Valentine's Day Event Version: Raw Code 2024 Happy Hunting Easter Event Version: Raw Code

Change Notification Icon

This snippit will change the Pokefarm notification icon image on your custom site skin! Simply replace the URL "https://i.imgur.com/---.png" with your own image url.


//**CHANGE NOTIFICATION BACKGROUND**// #notifs>a>img { border: none; object-position: 9999px; background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/---.png"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; border-radius: 100%; padding: -5px; }

Remove All Box Shadows

This snippit will remove all box shadows on Pokefarm! Feel free to let me know if I missed any!


//*REMOVE BOX SHADOWS*// * .panel, * .party>div, * #regionslist>li, .dialog>div>div>div, *#shelterpage #shelter, * .tabbed_interface>div, *#partypage #partybox #profilelinks, *.panel, #trainerimage, .fieldslink, #partybox .party, .accshoplist>h3, #indexmain .pkmnshowcase > li, { box-shadow: none; }

Un-Round All Corners

This snippit will un-round every corner on Pokefarm, giving your site skin a pointer look. This purposefully does not include the trainer card, the notification icon or built-in browser "buttons" (such as the "Post" button you see while making a new post). Feel free to let me know if I missed any! To use this snippit, simply copy paste it into the "Extra CSS" section of your custom site skin.

Blank Site Boost Images

This snippit will remove the site's boost images. This was requested by someone on the PFQ Discord as a way to minimize overstimulation during the 2023 April Fools event, which changed all the boost images to be various images of Methos.


//*Blank Boost Counters*// #counterlist > li, #counterlist > li.active, #counterlist > li.zophan { background-image: none !important; background-color: @col-bg2; }


Code @Neonyan Profile Picture @Kotatsu

★ Zachary ★ They/He ★ 22 ★

Quiet nature collector.
Free Eggdex Help + Free Pair Creation Help Free Forum Templatescredits


Code & Divider @Neonyan Signature Pagedoll @Vehemourn on Toyhou.se Forum Icon @Kotatsu on Toyhou.se
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